Is there a way, when defining a style, to specify NO indent for first paragraph? I have to change the first para manually every time.
When I compile, the resulting file reverts to indenting ALL paras, meaning I have to edit the whole file again.
In the compiled file, footnotes come out indented, when I explicitly defined them as NOT indented.
This sort of maddening issue will drive me to return to editing directly in Word!
Yes. That’s one way of doing it, bearing in mind that you’d need to apply the style to your first paragraph each time.
Furthermore, check the buttons you select in Section Layouts > Settings tab for Section Text when setting up your Compile Format.
First off, I don’t use word, I use Nisus Writer Pro, but I should imagine what follows is equally true iwith Word or other word processor. You have two options:
- Remove the first line indent in certain places during compile: Ctrl-click the compile format and (Duplicate and) Edit then choose
on any Section Layout
that includes Text
, and specify where you want the indents removed.
The advantage of this is that you don’t have to remember to apply a style during writing/editing. The disdvantage is that those paragraphs still have the Normal
style after compiling, albeit without the indent, so if you make any change to the Normal style in your word processor, they will then have the indent.
- Make a
No Indent
style in Scrivener. Show the Ruler (Cmd-R) in an appropriate paragraph, drag the T-shaped “First line indent” marker to the left margin to remove the indent, choose Format → Styles → New Style from Selection… In the dialog that follows, give it a name, set it to “Save Paragraph Style”, untick the include font family
and include font size
options, and set Next style
to “None” and save. Choose a shortcut if you like or set one in System Keyboard settings.
The advantage of this is that the paragraphs will have your style on compiling and any modification of Normal
in your word processor won’t affect them, though you might have to make changes to the style in the word processor to match; the disadvantage is that you have to remember to apply the style to appropriate paragraphs as you write/edit.
I prefer the second of these approaches.
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Thanks everyone for your replies.
I’ve returned to Word. These issues, plus the need to plough through reams of the Manual, the way the format of sections randomly changed on me, removing the format I’d applied, and more… I was spending as much time learning and managing the vagaries of the product as I was writing.
I gave it a go. Not for me. I can manage all I need with Word.
Actually, the Interactive Tutorial on the Help menu should take someone around 2 hours to work through, covering most basics of the product, and introducing its power capabilities.
Like in Word, I switch the Ruler on and keep it on, managing indents by manipulating the First Line Indent and Left Indent for first paragraphs of a section, which is hardly an inconvenience and forgoes the need for messing with Styles and menu options.
Once your Preferences are set in Scrivener the format of sections won’t change. Right now, yours are reverting to default preference as currently set. That should take a few minutes at most to setup and is a one-time activity.