Folder corkboard selection dilemma

When I select a folder (A) with texts in it and display that in the corkboard I normally have synopsys and notes for the folder (at the far right). If I select a text in the corkboard I get synopsis and notes for the text. After I’ve done this I cannot bring back the synopsis and notes for the folder. The selected textobject is always highlighted and I cannot un-highlight/un-select it to focus on the folder like it was from the beginning. Clicking on a different folder and then going back to folder A does not work (it still has the previously selected text’s synopsis and notes fields on the far right).

Can anyone give me clue on how to un-select the text-boject and get back to the folder’s synopsis and notes fields.?
Thank You

Simply click in the background. :wink:

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Vincent_Vincent: Thank you very much!

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Clicking on the background is always an option in Corkboard, for Outliner view though, you may find in larger folders that extend beyond the screen, you can’t scroll to anywhere where there is background to click on. Here are two tips that also work for Corkboard too:

  1. Cmd+Click / Ctrl+Click on what is selected. That action is a toggle, adding and removing the clicked on thing to the current selection. If it’s the last one left, it ends up with nothing being selected.
  2. The Edit ▸ Deselect All menu command, which you can put a shortcut on if you use it frequently (not in the Windows version at this time).
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