
I have the IOS versions only. To my big surprise I cant see any footnote area in the Inspetore bar (next to the note area)? I am planning to write my PhD and one of the main reason was seeing the footnoting feature one a YouTube video. What am I doing wrong? Is footnoting only shown as a pop up or inline version on the IOS version of this app? If so this is making the app completely useless for me… anyone? Please let me know! Thanks!

Hi Scr,

Welcome to the forums.

It’s not 100% clear to me if your question is about creating footnotes or viewing them.

I don’t use footnotes often, but you create them in iOS Scriv via the Keyboard Row, so make sure that’s enabled in Scrivener’s App Settings. You need to be editing a document. Swipe the Keyboard Row until you see the “cf” button. If you don’t see that one on the Keyboard Row, hold any button and a list of choices will come up, and you’ll need to reassign a button.

You can also add a footnote by selecting text. A black banner thingy will pop up and you can select Footnote from there by swiping right.

Once you’ve added a footnote to your doc, the footnoted text will be highlighted. When you click on it, the footnote will pop up.

Sounds like this may not be what you want, but that’s how it works. What video are you referring to?


Thanks for your reply! Much appreciated.

As need to use a lot of footnoting. This means I need to have them so I can see them when I am working on the text. In the Mac version they can be shown in the Inspector - see but in my IOS version I cant see them there - it only show notes. Is there a fix for this?

Have you tried using inline footnotes?

Hi - yes but in a long text they become annoying as they disturb the reading (some of them are very long - and include loads of text) … I bought this app as I thought my footnotes would be seen in the inspector bar as it is on the Mac version - where they even function as links to the exact place in the text they are added… Does anyone know if this is possible in the IOS version? Thanks!!

No. You can tap on the footnote marker and bring up a pop-up window, or use inline footnotes. That’s it.

Thank you… very disappointing! 19 GBP wasted…

If you can’t work with it and you bought within the last 90 days, here’s an article on how to get a refund from Apple:

I wrote my PhD thesis in Scrivener on a Mac, and I have to say I wouldn’t want to undertake such a task on an iPad. Granted, to some extent it depends on your subject area, which may influence your workflow, but for me, I needed to be able to move files around, and look at several things on the screen at once. I was also able to integrate Scrivener with Bookends to deal with references and the bibliography. I don’t know how you would deal with that on an iPad. My research material also ballooned to a considerable size: I had a database that was several Gb and into the millions of words. People do all sorts of things with iPads, but before you get too far into the work, you might want to consider if it is the right tool for this task. Doing a PhD is a LOT of very hard work, and you need the best tools you can find to make it easier. If after 18 months you find that your hardware is slowing you down, that is not good. You may, of course, find people who have happily used an iPad for a PhD, but I wouldn’t want to try it myself.

Best of luck with it. You will be very tired after three years, but contented!