Footnotes are misformatted when compiling to PDF

I have some issues when compiling my text to PDF, with footnotes.
Some footnotes are overlaying the text (pic. 1), and when it doesn’t, there is always a small space at the end of the page, even if the text is justified (pic. 2).

I’m working on Windows with the last version of Scrivener.

Thanks in advance,

Hi Rémi, I’m having the same problem. Have you found out yet what’s going wrong?
Thanks for your reply,

There is a known problem with compiling to PDF in the Windows version. Compile to DOCX or RTF, open it in your word processor and print/export to PDF from there.



Thanks Mark. The thing is, compiling to DOCX or RTF doesn’t allow you to format the style of the footnotes independent from the style of the main text. The good news is: I think I solved it. It seems a carriage return in one of the footnotes caused the problem. I deleted it and the text no longer overlapped.

Now I’m wondering, perhaps I should do the compiling in MacOS instead…

I am a long-term Mac user, but understand those who prefer Windows, so with no intention of starting a flame war, if you have access to the MacOS version, I think it has fewer problems than the Windows version (not least the ability to use Scrivenings mode as fully intended).

That said, it doesn’t solve the footnote formatting problem. In my word processor, Nisus Writer Pro, footnotes compiled by Scrivener are marked for both the Normal style as well as Footnote style, with the former overriding the latter. I can solve it by selecting all the footnotes and removing the Normal style attribute. I don’t use Word or LibreOffice, so can’t help with how you do that in either of those, I’m afraid.



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Hello !

Thank you for the reply.
Exporting from RTF to PDF worked for me.

The only thing to solve now is the number of the footnote, which does not reset for each chapter. I guess I have to check some settings during the export.

All the best,


I don’t think it’s possible in Scrivener to set the numbering of footnotes to restart for each chapter; anything like that I sort out in the RTF file post-compile. On some projects, I have two streams: in Scrivener inline footnotes become page-bottom footnotes, and inspector footnotes compile as endnotes. Post compile I set different numbering styles, page-bottom footnotes reset each page, endnotes are changed to chapter-end notes and reset each chapter. That is the sort of thing that should be straightforward in your word processor, but would be incredibly cumbersome to provide as part of the compile process.

Again, as a Mac-user with a totally different word processor, I can’t help you with doing it in Word or LibreOffice or equivalent, but it should be doable in any good word processor.



Well it works pretty well actually. It seems I can’t reset the numbering of footnotes for each chapter, but I can do it for each page, which is fine to me.
As long as it makes the text and the footnote easily readable, that’s good !

All the best,
