
Can anyone tell me how to use multiple footnotes at end of a single sentence. For example, if I make four different statements each of which are derived from a source, how do I footnote each one at the end of that one sentence? Thank you.

This will not answer the technical question you have, but in my part of the academic world, you would not make separate footnotes in such a case.


P.S. I find in-line footnotes much preferable to inspector footnotes in Scrivener. Unless you are working in an area where the footnote practices would make this awkward, you may too. This is pertinent because if you use in-line footnotes (as I do) it is not a problem to make sequential footnotes.

If you go to “Project > Text Preferences” you have the option to set a footnote marker in your text instead of highlighting the preceding word. The default is * but you can change that. You can have any number of such footnote markers in a row, each of which will generate a separate inspector footnote.

HTH :slight_smile:


And if you export to Word, those marks will (by default) get rendered as footnote numbers – just as you would expect.


Thanks to you guys for this great information. Saves a lot of work.