"For Here"

Sitting in a coffee shop right now, writing, realizing that many of us on this board do the same.

As I look around, I notice that most everyone sitting in here has a paper cup – half of them double-cupped, and many with their food in a paper bag.

The major coffee chains talk a lot about reducing post-consumer waste, and it strikes me that an easy step in this direction is to train their employees to recommend “for here”* orders using ceramic plates and mugs. It’s not an impact-free solution (someone has to wash those dishes), but surely it’s a lot more green than a double cup with a paper sleeve.

Anyway, something to consider – it’s be nice to see the coffee shop writers of the world leading the way.

*Related question: Do any English speakers outside of the US use the “for here” construction? Just wondering.

We do in Canada!

Here’s another related question: Do your servers say, “Will that be all?” or “Will that be everything?” My sense is that here (in Toronto) “everything” is more common, while in NY it’s more likely to be “all”.



I thought the standard NY close was “WHAT?!?!”

At least that is what I get…

Standard in England is “to eat in” or “to take away”.

And yes, paper cups and bags are stupid if somebody’s eating in. Most places over here will give you a ceramic cup and a plate.

Note, however, that the majority of British writers do not work in coffee shops. Mainly because their prices are about three times what they are in the US…

At the ones I’ve been in in coastal CA the usual question is “for here or to go?”

The chains are often paper-only, no matter where you’re consuming their product, but the local shops tend to give you paper only for ‘to go’ items.

Locally, too, there’s a growing ban on plastic for the packaging, so it’s getting a bit more earth-friendly.

I helped set up a local mobile soup kitchen that also served coffee to area indigent workers. We located a firm that makes cups and bowls from bagasse, the leftover fiber from sugar cane fields. Rather than burn the bagasse, which is the norm, it made quite nice cups which, exposed to the elements, break down in just a few weeks. Still a bit hard to find, but solves two problems at once. :smiley:

Some small kiosk businesses tend to shy way from this because of overhead. Someone has to wash the dishes. They have to be washed in a certain approved-by-the-health-inspector appliance, employees have to be trained on said device and all the safety requirements, obtaining the device, etc…

With disposable they only need trash cans and a dumpster…

One thing I look for is coffee shops that use recycled materials such as cups and napkins made from recyclable material. I make a note to frequent those shops first before choosing one that uses just trash.

My favorite coffee shop uses ceramic mugs and plates. They paid for the cost to wash the dishes but in the end, although it cost a lot up front, the owner has cut down on overhead in buying supplies for disposable.

“Dine in or Carry Out?”
“Dine in or Take Out?”
“Is this for here or to go?”

“Will there be anything else?”
“Will that be all?”
“Here’s your ticket.” :slight_smile:

NY is “You’s guys hurry up I got customers waiting!” (j/k)