Forum software changes (I don't know where to put this)

It used to appear to the left of the upper page list once you’d tapped on the thread. On small screens, it appeared instead of the page list, which only appeared at the bottom.

I usually use the forum on my iPhone, but now I must use either my iPad or my Mac because so much is missing from the small screen. Bread crumbs do not appear on my iPhone! And yes, I’ve reset the cache. I’m attaching two marked-up screenshots to illustrate. Thanks for listening.

Ahhh, iPhone/Pad/etc. Sorry I think you said that but it didn’t click and I’ve just been looking at the site on my Mac. Thanks for the annotations! I never really noticed those links before, I’ll put them on the list for them to take a look at.

Maybe those tiny little click bugs could be a little less grudging – finnicky to target with a mouse, hopeless with a finger. That on is just like the tiny post links to tthe right by the last poster’s handle. How many times have I ended up on the user profile page instead of the last post?! (It is a crap shoot on a touch screen, for sure.)

Anyway, I do have a sense that both of these mini dog-earred doc icon links are now somewhat out of keeping with the new design – far too grudging in size and space. The new forum style grants more space to emptiness, and a more open and forgiving way to incorporate these two links could be worked up.

Update: Like Silverdragon, I never had any inkling that orange icon did something!

Yeah, I should rework my avatar, because it is all black with transparency – hence now showing up black on very dark brown on that bar. or rather, not showing up!

I don’t browse much on a phone, but I’ve always made heavy use of zoom when doing so as I don’t care for mobile-only designs by and large, and desktop designs demand more precision in general. So I just flick zoom on the thing and you can’t really miss it then.

As for with the mouse—I tend not to I think. I activate most links with the keyboard. I type in the first few letters of a link I want to go to and press return—and for stuff like that where the thing I want to activate is next to the link, I (shift-)tab to it.

Like right now. I’m not going to reach for the mouse and click “Preview” or “Submit”, I’m going to hit Tab,Tab,Space.

Sorry, my opening line there was really a rhetorical flourish. I wasn’t really wondering, I admit. :blush: Rather, I meant, in high rhetorical style, to imply that ‘those tiny little click bugs are far too grudging’. And as the post went on to say, maybe those tiny bits are no longer quite in keeping with the new style.

I should have spoken more straightforwardly on such a busy day.

As noted before (I think), I already have the request to put post-thread navigation links on the list.

The font isn’t Helvetica, it’s Effra. The previous forum skin uses Helvetica, so if you were comfortable with that you should find it works okay.

Ioa, how does a user get their browser to load that theme?

I tried loading it as a style sheet in Safari’s preferences, but that didn’t work, even after a relaunch and a reboot.

Firstly you need the Stylish extension installed into your browser. Secondly, I found that with the Safari version of that extension, the outer two lines of my code snippet should be removed: that is the part referring to “mozilla” stuff on the first line, and then the very last curly bracket.

I didn’t realise Stylish is an extension. Appreciate your help.


Now it works! Much better - thanks. :slight_smile:

Great! Glad to help.

Congratulations on all the updates and releases. I really appreciate how much work you’ve all put in (been there, done that).

My only issue is with the display font of the new look forum.

It is just way too fine and spidery (as someone previously has said) for me to read comfortably. I’ve found most of the other bits I’ve habitually used (new posts, first posts) okay, but this font is a shocker.

Assuming the forum is still in phpBB, could you not make the default, garden variety theme available to tragic people like myself who have vision issues (it’s a simple setting in the ACP)?

If you download the Stylish extension for your browser (assuming you don’t already have it), then copy and paste Amber’s code of a few posts back into a new style (click the new S button in your browser header bar, then Edit / New style, bearing in mind Amber’s alteration if you’re using Safari), you will see 100% improvement. The font is once more ‘strong’ and clear, not thin and spidery.

Thanks ScriverTid and Ioa. I’ve installed the extension and my eyes thank you both!


Thank you, but for those who don’t want to use Stylish, is there any possibility that the font will be fattened a bit?
(I haven’t read or missed whether it’s being considered.)

ETA: Since the forum change (don’t know if it appeared on the former), a couple of times I’ve seen at the bottom of the forum front page an entry for “Bing [Bot]” as an online, registered member. The entry isn’t clickable. Who/what is it?
[attachment=0]Screen Shot 2017-11-24 at 9.51.26 AM.png[/attachment]

Search engine bot indexing the forums.

Thanks. I understand about indexing. I didn’t know “it” became a registered member. Must be part of the software package.

ETA: I ventured from my laziness, did a search and found out it was added to phpBB in around 2010. As far as this forum, maybe L&L had it disabled in the last rendition or I flat out missed it. Thanks again.

Possibly because I’m in China, but every navigtion on this forum and the browser blocks for at least 3 or more seconds before anything else can load while it contacts — I assume this is some kind of metric for your WOFF fonts, but I very much feel like just blocking it as my average for every page ends up 4-8 seconds when it used to be instant… Screenshot show an average navigation, with taking 3.2 seconds (TTFB-time to first byte) just frozen (the response is two bytes, it is a tracking handshake request basically).

Request URL: