Is it possible to generate a list of all document bookmarks? i.e. the names of all documents or external files attached to all the documents in a Scrivener project (NOT a list of the Project Bookmarks)
Is it possible to generate a list of all document bookmarks? i.e. the names of all documents or external files attached to all the documents in a Scrivener project (NOT a list of the Project Bookmarks)
Hello. I posted this question almost three years ago and got no reply. Does anyone have an answer to this? Still wondering.
(I attach various word docs etc that reside on my mac in the inspector document bookmarks tab and I am wondering 1) is there a way to generate a list of all the documents I have attached and what scrivener document they are attached to and/or 2) is there a way to search by name for a file that sits on my computer that I have attached to a scrivener document and find what scrivener document I have attached it to?)
Number 2 I doubt greatly.
As for number one, I’d proceed as follow:
Duplicate the document.
Delete all text.
Dragging a bookmark from the bookmark panel to the (now blank) editor, will create a compilable/printable link.
You could do that for all the required documents, then move them duplicates to a dedicated folder or collection. That would allow you to compile or print a list of all bookmarked files across your project, per document (with their title).
(Of course, if you dragged some of them right in the editor as part of the text instead of using the bookmark panel, you’ll want to pay attention not to delete them references as well…)
Perhaps an alternative would be to drag the bookmarked documents from a quick reference panel to the same document’s note panel instead. (More work, but you’d end up with everything in the “real” document. Not in a duplicate.)
There might very well be a better way. That is just a way I see it possible.
Although I looked around and couldn’t find any export option as regard to bookmarks.