Grammar Checking and Spell checking

I use a Mac laptop for Scrivener. I can see the button for Grammar check which should allow me to perform a grammar check, but I cannot “click” on this button.

Further, contrary to what I read in the manual, I cannot spell check as I go through a document.

Any help on these points is appreciated.

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Hi Brian,

If a menu item is greyed out, it usually means that the cursor isn’t where it needs to be to perform that action. In the case of spellcheck or grammar check, that likely means that your cursor isn’t active in the main editor. You may, for example, have clicked into the binder. You’ll need to click into the main editor to make your cursor active there and then try again.

Under Edit → Spelling and Gramamar there are options to check spelling and grammar while writing. If you toggle those on (they’ll show a checkmark if they’re enbabled), you’ll see the types of squiggly lines under words you’re likely accustomed to in Word and other editors. You can then right-click/control-click those words to make corrections as you’re writing.

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