Had to reinstall windows. Scrivener not working

I had to reinstall Windows 11 and now Scrivener is claiming not to recognize the file (“an older file is being used”). I installed the same Scrivener I’ve been using , which is the latest one ( It asks me if I want to update the project (I said yes) and then it says backup failed. Pressing continue at this point does nothing. So basically I have Scrivener on my PC, but it’s useless. I have the same version on my laptop and I can use that.

Are you sure you’re opening the latest version of the Project ?

Where is the project saved? Is it on OneDrive, and if so have you set OneDrive to keep all Scrivener projects available off-line?


Yes, the project is saved in OneDrive. No, I don’t have it set to keep projects available off-line.

Yes, I have the latest version of Scrivener. I even looked at the old download dates to be sure. I had made a notation regarding when I downloaded it.

That may well be your problem. Scrivener needs all its files immediately available, and telling you the project is of a previous version is one of the first symptoms.

I’m a Mac user and don’t have OneDrive, so I’ll leave it to others to help you further.


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