Has anyone seen my Footer Bar?

It absconded from my Editor a couple days ago while I was playing with and mastering the Outliner columns etc. Windows, Scrivener 3.
I confirm that I am not in scripting mode (Ctrl+8), the FB is missing in all viewing modes of the editor, and the inspector. I know how to access the cork board options etc., but I want to know what’s going on. Where could it have eloped :laughing:

I’m the one who took it as a joke. Here, you can have it back.

(The others made me do it.)

Grateful for the fast reply from ‘so nice / named twice’.
You were great help with Styles. But the missing FB is not showing signs of returning. I double checked multiple times, via both keyboard commands and directly checking the boxes (illustrated by you, thankyou.) The HB is working fine, the footer not yet. I know it was there a few days ago. The vagaries of the writing habit are such that one doesn’t miss something until it’s needed. I am in no rush (sigh)

Double-click the header of the software ?

(Are you running a Mac or a Windows PC ?)

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The good old double-click. It works.
I should have known that already, shouldn’t I?
My Windows Lenovo thanks you! :pray:

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