The funny thing about all trolls, they don’t seem to know they are trolls. Both sides of any argument are like that. It’s to the point that I’m near to withdrawing from all social media and forums only directly engaging companies via email. It may seem petty, but I don’t think I need to care about any of “it” anymore.
Cool. I lived in Seattle for a good 10 years when I was working on the doctorate. Moved back east about 10 years ago. Trust me, you do not want to slip and order a “grande drip with room” at a Dunks.
I’m kind of glad that Scrivener isn’t run like a video game company, replete with software “deathmarches.” The code is likely better, not to mention working conditions. While I love video games, I can’t deny that the industry isn’t really problematic. This is not an industry anyone should be holding up as an example or a proverbial beacon on a hill.
I wonder what your thoughts are about the Scrivener 3 product?
The key issue is that the software developers have attempted to copy Mac software features into Windows platform. It is a big mistake. You should stop trying to make two identical copies on both Mac- and Windows platforms and build different software for Windows. This is the key concept of many other cross-platform software such as IA Writer which has different functionality for Mac, iOS, and Windows.
Also, if someone needs a working version of Scrivener 3 then switch to Mac. Migrating from Windows into a Mac is easy, and there are no major differences in the functionality.
Welcome to the forums, AnotherGuy. An interesting perspective. My understanding is that there are quite a number of features in the Mac version that are desired and needed in the Windows version, and that these are present in the beta of v. 3. But obviously a Windows program can’t be identical to a Mac one, or vice versa, and I don’t think that’s what they’re attempting.
For those who wish that L&L would just push v. 3 out the door already, even if it’s less than perfect … do a Web search for “Evernote for iOS v. 10 upgrade”.
This isn’t necessarily feasible for a lot of people. I know for me, cost and storage are major considerations. Your basic MacBook Air in Australia (where I live) costs $1600-$2000 - it’s expensive! Not to mention neither of those laptops has the amount of onboard storage space I need - the cheaper laptop has 256GB, the more expensive one has 512GB. That’s not much! The MacBook Pros are even more expensive, $2,000 for a 13in 256GB model, all the way up to $4,400 for a 1TB 16in. My Lenovo ultrabook (which runs Windows 10) was $2,000 earlier this year, but in saying that it has a 1TB SSD onboard - twice the hard drive capacity of the $2,000 MacBook Air (which is the one I would buy, I travel a fair bit so I need a light computer with plenty of hard drive space).
Entirely aside from that, you’re learning an entirely different operating system. I had to use Macs at school and Windows computers at home, and in 13 years of school I never got the hang of using Apple Mac computers. Never. I know for me, I would much prefer sticking with an operating system that I am completely familiar with and have been using virtually my whole life, because I have zero desire to learn a new one.
Also, the Windows v3 beta works perfectly fine. I’ve been using it for a year now on two different computers (my old laptop and my current laptop), and I have had no major problems with it whatsoever. Yes it’s taking a long time to come out, but that just means we’ll get the best possible product when it’s released. I don’t get why people are so up in arms about the long wait - you’re getting to test out and basically use a fantastic product FOR FREE. That’s a pretty sweet deal IMHO!
In Aus, the MacBook Air is available with the storage you require. A quick check on manufacturer web sites and the Air and the Pro are much the same price as a similar spec’d and similar quality (Dell etc) Windows equiv. When you consider life expectancy and support quality the mythical Mac Tax doesn’t exist.
Just Saying…
OS, comes down to personal pref though if you need OS/app support from MS, good luck! Personal experience, they are abysmal.
I can’t comment on the Mac/Dell battle, but here is my experience with a Dell 5593 purchased in January 2020:
First thing I did was download the Dell 5593 service manual. Everything is user-replaceable, and I mean everything. It even has a vacant drive bay for another SSD, which I immediately installed myself, since I have spares.
To add to this, my ten-year-old Dell laptop was the same (minus the second bay for another SSD, although I could use the CD/DVD bay for that). I updated it until the poor old thing couldn’t take any more. It’s still perfectly functional, running Windows 10 Pro x64, and I use it as a backup.
That’s correct, and for a limited, specific group of owners its a potential benefit. In the hands of the average owner user upgradeable has potential for disaster. I’ve picked up the pieces more times than I care to remember during my career. Bad enough in a Mid Tower but many times worse in the fiddly innards of a modern laptop.
From a purely technical point of view hard soldered memory and storage has a lower failure profile than removable.
My view is that it all boils down to two things - patience vs. impatience. I’m perfectly happy to use the v3 beta because it is miles better than what I was using previously (Microsoft Word - though I still do use Word for my uni essays and assignments). Plus I not only get to use it for free, but when it’s officially released I’ll be able to upgrade for free due to having bought my v1 licence very recently. The money I would have spent on an upgrade will instead go toward paying for a friend’s licence upgrade.
Honestly? With the amount of time and effort I’ve seen others spend on complaining about how long it’s taking for v3 to be completed and released, I could probably have finished not only my Master’s degree, but also the series I’m writing at least twice over.
Yeah, no. Apple is probably the most proprietary company out there still extant. There are major differences in what I need (that doesn’t involve Scrivener) that wouldn’t cut it with the average Mac. As much as I have a grudge against Microsoft, it’s about equal to my grudge against Apple. Plus the box I built is twice the hardware for about half the price.
“Just buy a mac!” is as bad an answer to the problems some are having in this thread as my suggesting they all run Linux.