Help! Downloaded update now Scrivener won't load

I am seeing this with 1.9.7 (not just 1.9.6 & earlier) on Windows 7 x64. I get a blank, non-responsive New Project window and the logged output shows what is described above.

I have literally hundreds of fonts and very little free time, so I haven’t been able (and frankly, shouldn’t have) to test every single font. But what I have tried so far has all failed. I’m still having to use the pre-IOS version. I understand that bugs happen sometimes, but this isn’t a new thing. They’ve been aware of it since July and we don’t even have a workaround.

Any chance there is a fix coming for this? Or at least some interaction and response in this thread?

FWIW, I was able to load and use Scrivener by simply making a new user on my Windows box. This is definitely in the user profile on Windows, not sure if it is a file or registry error, however.

Any updates on this?

There is another thread going on that might be of help to you:

Thanks for the information. Unfortunately, I don’t have the time in between deadlines to mess around with the registry etc. to try to get it to work. A known bug that’s been present for so long really should have an official fix by now.

Agreed. I’ve been checking the status of this thread and looking for an update occasionally, but am not holding my breath at this point. Expecting customers to spend valuable time fiddling with font files seems unreasonable to me, and at least on my system the fonts that are installed are installed for a reason. Disappointing.

It’s not just that they haven’t fixed it. They haven’t even responded to any of these posts. Is anyone even working on this anymore?

Some people have had luck just logging in as a different user. Still a pain, but might be worth a shot.

This is ridiculous. This thread alone is almost a YEAR OLD. We are paying customers. And either we have to spend hours fiddling around with things and potentially making it worse, or we have to use an older, unpatched version which may not be secure. Not even to respond is just unacceptable.

I’ve PMed all of the moderators of this forum that accept them.


While L&L tech support does show up, these forums are intended more for user-to-user peer support.

If you want to connect directly with L&L Windows technical support, email them. URL below. They have always responded to me within a day or so.

Best of luck, hope you get your problems resolved.

This is the technical support forum on the official forum, why is being left to people without guaranteed training?

If you review the posts in the forums, I think you’d see that many questions are answered and issues resolved user-to-user. That’s a reasonable support model for a tiny company like L&L.

The support page lists various ways to get help, but in my opinion it’s fairly clear what to do when all else fails: "If you have exhausted the other channels and still can’t find the answers for which you are looking, you can e-mail support directly. "

Again, I do hope you get your issue resolved.

I can understand relatively minor issues being fixed by peers, but this is quite a big thing affecting multiple people. Somebody had already contacted them without much success. Personally, I’ve been almost entirely without time over the past few months, hence popping back in and asking if there had been any updates. And in fact, when I got back, I did send messages. The fact remains that if they’ve been made aware of the issue, either through that email or this thread, it really should have been fixed in subsequent updates after this amount of time.

Sorry glaedr, I missed that you had already emailed L&L support directly. That was the only point I was trying to make.

Maybe I’m missing something, but the ultimate cause(s) of the problem aren’t due to the software, they’re due to specific types of misconfigurations/corruptions in the user’s profile/configuration interacting with code provided by the Qt4 framework. As a result, there is no one general fix that can be released without introducing other problems – each affected user needs to be worked with directly to find and resolve the issue.

I realize that’s not what you want to hear, but it’s how it is. This isn’t a case of an issue being left for peer support – it’s a case where the fix requires one-on-once cases with support. And in the early months of the issue, nobody (including support) had any issue of where the conflict was. Some people contacted support and didn’t want to do the troubleshooting or use any of the workarounds provided (using a new user profile, etc.) – what can you do at that point?

And if the underlying issue lies outside of Scrivener, there’s a good chance the fix does, too.


If you are referring to the “Warning: QSettings: RegEnumValue failed” problem, you can see (what I believe to be a version of) the source that is causing this here (scroll down to line ~248).

The fix is relatively straight forward. As I mentioned back in February:

While it might be interesting to know specifically what is causing this, perhaps it would be sufficient to repair it. At a minimum, it seems like a check for that specific return code in this routine should suffice:

if (res == ERROR_NO_MORE_ITEMS) break;

But it isn’t happening with any other software? It’s Scrivener that we’re all having the issue with. And it’s from a particular update. So though it might be something outside of the software that it’s clashing with, wouldn’t it be better to find a different way to code whatever it is that’s clashing rather than have to go through the same lengthy process with who knows how many people?

I’ve never seen an error message, it just won’t load. So I’m not sure if it’s that one or not. Thanks for the link though, I’ll take a look.

…Nope, still not working. :frowning:

This problem appears to be related to how Scrivener parses the contents of certain font files. Clearly, for some users, there are issues with specific fonts. Our best guess currently, is that Scrivener can’t parse certain fonts, or its crashing when parsing malformed fonts and our parser needs to be adjusted to fail gracefully when parsing malformed fonts - much like our RTF parser has to when parsing imported and malformed RTF.

The only way we can fix this is if we can duplicate the issue. We tried unsuccessfully in the past to duplicate, but were unable to. Given all the focus on Windows Scrivener 3 development and preparing for beta - this issue got lost in the piles of things to do - we are sincerly sorry for that. However, to fix this please help us by providing a step by step use case where we can duplicate - specifically we need to look at a log file and see what is the last font Scrivener tried to load and choked on, without this kind of information we can’t fix this issue. No doubt the fix will be simple and quick once we know what needs to be fixed.

The Gungsuh font, seems to be a Microsoft font, which is installed on some Windows distributions. We found it and downloaded the 129 USD font and it ran without issue; however, we noticed other versions from other sites (i.e. the free kind), and discovered that the font was often corrupted; however Scrivener still did not crash on these malformed download fonts, but there may be lots of other download sources we have not tried that do crash scrivener; so, once again we’re at a loss here.

The issue regarding failing to start Scrivener for no obvious reason, is also without a reproducible use case, this is like chasing ghosts. Process Monitor files do not show sufficient information to help us trace this further.
