Help in working out Keywords for first novel

Hi everyone. I’m new to the forum, though I’ve been using Scrivener for almost a decade.

I’ve recently finished my first ever novel, and I’m trying to get everything in place to get it self-published in March.

I’m currently looking at keywords and categories, trying to work out what they should be to attract people’s attention, or to be found in searches. My background is in software development and I understand that there is no one-size fits all for this. I’m hoping that some of the community might offer suggestions what they would use.

The book description and first chapter can be found here.

Hi MarkPHaskins, and welcome to the forum.

As a starting point for figuring out what the “keywords” or “SEO terms” might be for marketing your book, I’d suggest that you first think about what kind of a book you’ve written.

That is, if you had to describe it in a 30-second elevator pitch, how would you describe it?

If someone asked you what other authors or books it’s like, which titles would you compare it to?

From there, you might look at places like Amazon,, and for those comparable titles to see how they are being marketed and the terms being used.

That would give you a starting point to help determine where to position your own marketing efforts.

You may also want to dig into various self-publishing blogs and groups to see how others have approached this question.

A resource like Jane Friedman’s website and newsletters, which focus on the business of publishing and marketing books, might also be helpful.

An example from her website is this post on improving your book descriptions.


Thanks RuthS for replying.

I shall have a look at what you have said.

Thanks again.

Thisn is a great resource to learn about book mrketing and promotions.

There is also a useful app the Kindlepreneur guy offers: Publisher Rocket (contains affiliate link) It is essentially a market analyis and keyword research tool for Amazon KDP.

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I looked at Publisher Rocket earlier today. It seemed to be subscription software, and I wasn’t sure if it was worth the money.

It’s not subscription, at all. It’s a one-off payment of USD$199.

Ah. Must have misunderstood. I’m watching some of the videos now. I can see it would be useful to work out keywords and categories for Amazon.

(If you do purchase it, it would be appreciated if you can do so thru the link I posted above. I can use the affiliate revenue. Thanks!)