Help needed: Underline Color in main application & Text Color in dark-mode on iOS

Hi, I’m new to Scrivener and loving it for the most part, EXCEPT… I do a lot of color-coding when I write, and this has led to a couple of issues.

First, can anyone tell me if there any EASY way to make the color of all underlines and strikethroughs the SAME as the color of the text they are underlining/striking-through? Because what is frequently happening to me is I go to underline or strikethrough something (that is a certain color) and the underline/strikethrough line is a DIFFERENT color than that of my text—forcing me, then, to hit ctrl s, then the appropriate dropdown menu, then the appropriate color from the color menu, then the shortcuts to get out of both menus. This is VERY inconvenient, when I should be able to simply hit my shortcuts for underline/strikethrough and have the lines be the same color as the text.

Secondly, please, PLEASE someone say that an option to display text color in dark mode is on its way to the iOS version… because, once again, I color code. I also work in dark mode. And I paid a separate price for the app on my iPad, only to be unable to see my colors. Very frustrating.

Thanks in advance for any help.

You might prefer using Revision Mode for your colour coding, which this feature is basically all about. We call it “revision mode”, because that is how we figured most people would use it, but when you take away the name, what it does is:

  • Force typing to a specific colour no matter where you put the cursor.
  • Mark text already written to the current colour.
  • Cause adornments like underscore and strikethrough to use the same colour.
  • Make it easy to locate by colour and jump from one to the next, even if the next instance is off in another section of the outline.
  • Tools for stripping out these colours once you are ready for that, either en masse or by colour selectively.

Read more about the details of the above in §18.6, Marking Revisions, in the user manual PDF, and the special searching tool, in §11.6.4.


Thank you so much! This was very helpful, as I had also been wanting text-color shortcuts. There is, however, one issue. When I set a revision color, highlight text, and then choose the “Mark Revised” option to color-code the highlighted text, while it does change the color of strikethrough, it still does not change the color of the underlines. In order to do this, I have to either change it manually, or cut the text and choose “paste and match style”, which then removes any strikethroughs.

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Thanks, I think in fact that should be happening (unless perhaps the underscore colour has been deliberately set to something, to avoid overriding what you’ve done). I’ll jot down a note to have it looked at.

Otherwise though, glad to hear it is making the marking process smoother.

Thank you again. I also noticed something else. I created a shortcut for the “Mark Revised” option. But when I highlight text and go to use the shortcut, it doesn’t work—not until I use my mouse and reveal the menu. I don’t have to actually click the menu option. I just have to view it, after which the shortcut temporarily works. It seems to be something about the “Mark Revised” menu option being contextual and only appearing when text is selected, instead of always visible and simply greyed out when not applicable.

This can be a problem with dynamically generated menus, I have found, on macOS in general. There are some other areas that suffer similarly, and I’ve managed to get around all of them by using another tool for custom keyboard shortcuts. Both BetterTouchTool and Keyboard Maestro seem to be more reliable. The former in particular has some tactics for triggering menu commands that might have alternating names (like the “Show” vs “Hide” stuff), and in cases where you can know the position but not the name of the command, you can say something like ‘Format;Revision Mode;(2)’ to trigger the second menu command in that submenu no matter what is there.

I don’t recall this particular command being a problem in the past, but honestly I stopped using the native macOS shortcut tool so long ago (maybe 10.14.x era) I might just be missing out on a drop in reliability.

Neither of these tools are free, but both are so broadly useful for many other purposes that it may be worth looking at their demos anyway.