[Help] - No File -> Options...?


I don’t know if I am doing something wrong, but when I read about how to set up fonts, etc., most articles/posts point at File → Options in Scriv for Windows. But I don’t have Options under File… the closest thing I have is Tools → Options, but that’s something different.

What am I missing? :smiley:

Options is at the very bottom just above exit. If still trouble finding go to help type in options and will give shortcut to get to it . I changed my shortcut to tie to a hot key on my keyboard

It sounds as though you are using the legacy version, Scrivener 1 for Windows. File > Options… is in the current version, which is Scrivener 3 for Windows.

All the best,

P.S. You can read about upgrading from Scrivener 1 for Windows to Scrivener 3 here.

Thanks! That was the thing here :wink:

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There is NO options in Scriv2 for windows… none.
In Scriv3 there is an options, but it DOES NOT have a metadata tab.

The help manual for Windows is actually the MAC version, as if to mock us. “Here look at all the cool things you could do like change your book’s title if only you had the MAC version. We charged you the same amount, and then included useless help files that do NOT look like the product we delivered to you.”

This is ugly and insulting.

The help file also tells you to go to compile and click on the metadata tab… I click on Compile… NO METADATA TAB

Literature and Latte: HAHAHAHAHAHHA!!! MADE YOU LOOK… no soup for you!

It is insulting and abusive. Why include a help file that doesn’t apply to your product?
Why send your customers on wild goose chases?
I cannot edit simple things like the copyright info or the ISBN. But it is also not clear how to remove that information so that you don’t have to see ugly cruft.

The compile features don’t work as advertised.
Ugly and insulting. Infuriating.

I wish I had edited my novel using vi or Emacs on Linux. They both have a manual that applies to the product… and it is free.

After turning to the copyright page in the PDF and ensuring it is indeed printed as being “for Windows” at the very top of that page,[1] and that the revision number at the bottom of that page matches the software version within at least a minor point or two, now use your PDF reader to search for Figure 23.10.

Presumably you can go on to more productively finalising things at this point (using methods that are incidentally identical to what Mac users would, but hey). Though why you refer to the copyright and ISBN information as “ugly cruft” is a little puzzling. My guess would be you are using a project template that has a sample cover page somewhere in the binder that you can freely edit—and, I don’t know, put pictures of chupacabras on it instead of the ISBN if you want. It’s not a feature at any rate. The closest thing to that is a field that inserts data as raw XML into .epub where it should go, but that’s where the “ugly cruft” gets confusing.

  1. And if it truly does say “for macOS” after pressing F1 in the software, I don’t know how that happened, but you should fetch a better copy from here. ↩︎