Hot key(s) for jumping from open quotes to closed quotes [converting from straight to typographic]

Just as the title says. I have to edit a lot of quotation marks and it would be real helpful to jump from open quotes to the closed quotes.

As you don’t tell us what exactly it is that you’re having to do and why, I presume you are using smart quotes. So, the only suggestion I can give is to use Edit > Transformations > Convert Quotes to Straight Quotes, do whatever it is you have to do, as you can use Ctrl-F to find (and replace?) both opening and closing quotes, and then when you’ve done them all, use Edit > Transformations > Convert Quotes to Smart Quotes.


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sorry there wasn’t enough detail in my post. I’m editing a book. When editing previously straight quotes got mixed in with the curved. When I come to a straight quote and correct it I would like to hit a hotkey(s) and have it jump to the closed quote.

In that case, can’t you just use Edit > Transformations > Convert Quotes to Smart Quotes? That’s what I’d do, as it won’t affect the existing smart quotes, only the straight ones and should automatically deal with opening and closing quotes.

Alternatively use Ctrl-F to find a straight quote, replace it with the appropriate curly quote by hand, Ctrl-G to jump to the next, replace appropriately by hand, Ctrl-G…

Would that not do it?

As a Mac-user, I don’t know how you enter opening and closing curly quotes on Windows, I’m afraid.

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thanks, what a relief to have the transformation feature. I thought I was going to have to go through the entire 500 page book and do them individually. Shew…

Great. Glad to have been of help.


Scrivener for Windows has a nifty shortcut: Ctrl+Q to switch to Smart Quotes.
To switch the other way around it’s Ctrl+Shift+Q.
It’s also a Windows features that works across parent and children folder/files.