How can I remove keyboard shortcuts?

I want to completely REMOVE Scrivener’s keyboard shortcut for Close Project and Remove Interface Settings. Not just remap it to a different keyboard combo, as Apple’s App Shortcuts will let me do, but remove it completely so it’s IMPOSSIBLE to trigger by mistake, ever, using ANY keys. Unfortunately Apple’s App Shortcuts insists I provide a key combo; I can’t just specify NO shortcut. Any idea how to kill this completely?

(It was a problem because I use a Dvorak keyboard, and periodically triggered the shortcut by mistake because it’s only one key away from the frequently used Paste and Match Style shortcut. I’ve remapped it… but I’d rather have it gone completely. With zero risk that if I map something else onto the new keyboard shortcut, it’ll go live and mess me up again.)

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This is no problem with an app like BetterTouchTool. You can set a shortcut to “does nothing”. But maybe there’s another way.

If you feel adventurous, you could fire up the Terminal an run:

defaults write com.literatureandlatte.scrivener3 NSUserKeyEquivalents -dict-add 'Close Project and Clear Interface Settings' '\U0000'

Assigning NULL to this menu entry (only works if the application language is English in this example, otherwise the key will be different!).

But. This also brings the function into the “un-optional” file menu, which could be dangerous for mouse-wielding users:


If anyone is actually stupid enough to try this, the new entry appears under System Settings (or Preferences) → Keyboard → Shortcuts … → App Shortcuts → Scrivener … – and can be deleted from there (which restores the default shortcut and behavior).