Hi! I just downloaded Scrivener this week, so I’m brand new.
Can anyone help me figure where I can adjust the line spacing in the Editor? I’m coming from Word where there’s a simple drop down to change from 1, 1.5, 2, etc.
Windows 10 OS, version 3 Scrivener
Thank you!
Hi, and welcome to the forum!
There’s a simple drop down menu in Scrivener too… It’s in the Format bar:
(The screenshot is from the Mac version, but it’s in the same place in Windows.)
If you don’t see the Format Bar, then it’s on View > Text Editing > Show Format Bar
. There’s a shortcut for it: it’s cmd-shift-r
on the Mac, but I don’t know what the Windows equivalent is, sorry.
Hope this helps.
BTW, as you say you’ve only just downloaded Scrivener, may I offer some advice?
You will get far more out of Scrivener and more quickly if you sit down and do the Interactive Tutorial (you’ll find it on the Help menu) before you do anything else. It’s a special Scrivener project which will walk you through the main features of the program in a couple of hours.
It’s time well spent because Scrivener is designed around a few key workflows and you’ll get far more from the program if you learn what they are early on. They’re not particularly complicated, but some of them are based on different assumptions from Word or other word processors, and these processes are what makes Scrivener such an outstanding program.
You won’t need to use every feature you read about in the tutorial – nobody ever does – but it will really help you to get the overall picture of how the program works best.
Good luck…
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Thanks for the welcome! Took me a couple days, but I did do the Interactive Tutorial.
To any future users, the Windows shortcut (per the manual) is Alt+Shift+F (sorry, unsure how to do the cool callout @brookter used).
My Format Bar was/is turned on, but I don’t have the option you’ve circled. (It’s telling me I can’t embed media items in a post, otherwise I’d share a picture). For me it looks the same up until the text justification. After that I have an underlined A, a highlight marker, and the bullet point drop down.
The line spacing control should be on the format bar.
I’ve just fired up an old virtual machine copy of Windows (not having used it for a couple of years…) and I see that the control looks a bit different on Windows:
I’ve circled it in red – do you see anything like that?
(BTW to put the grey bubble round some text, just surround it with back ticks, or click the icon </>
in the tool bar.)
You’ll be able to post screenshots after you’ve posted a couple of times – not sure what the trigger point is, but I don’t think you have to post many times before the restriction is dropped.
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Ah, okay! I toggled the Bar on / off and quit / restarted a few times, and now I have something similar showing up. At first it was only going up to 1.0x, but I guess somewhere in the restarting it worked itself out.
Thank you for going the extra mile to help! 
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You’re very welcome – I hope you enjoy using Scrivener!