How to control quote direction directly

I have a problem with unwanted Scrivener corrections. I have a character who goes by her initials, P.E. Smith. I often use just her initials, P.E. If I try a possessive, as in “Napolitani stopped at P.E.'s office door” Scrivener renders it “P.E.'S door.” And it’s adamant. there ways to fix, but difficult. I have turned Scriv’s spell and grammar checkers off, and I still get the unwanted capital. Is there a simple solution to this?

Now I’m feeling kind of dumb. After fretting and swearing and developing several excruciatingly complex workarounds, I discovered a much simpler solution: Write “P.E.s” then add the apostrophe. Duh.

You would have to have a Substitution (if that’s what it’s called on Mac) or some other replacement at play to get that behaviour every time. Scrivener has no way of dropping random words.

When I need a specific quotation mark or apostrophe, I’ve always just typed them in.

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It’s in Scrivener AND on Apple. In Scriv, I unchecked Settings/corrections/Fix Capitalization of sentences. There’s a similar choice in apple syntax. Thank you, ChatGPT

Since this is something you are typing a lot, you could create an auto-correct substitution in macOS Settings so that “pes” becomes “P.E.’s”.