How to create a new section layout and then where to place it correctly in the root/folder system

I thought this was a straightforward question and I cannot find an answer. I am writing a novel in Times 12 pt and am trying to make a simple adjustment for compiling in the Manuscript (Times) format. Each chapter has three scenes. Scene 1 is in roman. Scene 2 is in italics. Scene 3 is in roman. These scenes should each be separated by page breaks. I keep being told to add a section layout for the italic scenes. I thought I’d added a section layout, but applying italic formatting for this new ‘section layout’ also applies italics to the pre-existing ‘roman’ scenes. Nowhere can I find specifically how to create a new section layout and specifically where to locate this new section layout in the root/chapter/scene hierarchy, especially as there are root files for sections I do not need, like ‘chapter headings.’ I have taken the interactive tutorial. I have studied the manual, including Sections 23.3 and 24.2. I’m using Scrivener 3.3.6 for macOS Sonoma 14.3.1 I’ve been working on this manuscript for a solid year and have been exporting to Word, then manually assigning italics to the relevant scenes. There has got to be a simple way to make this adjustment. Thank you.

Section Layouts are part of a Compile Format. They don’t go in the Binder, and they don’t have a hierarchical structure.

From the main Compile screen, choose the format you want to use, right-click, and choose the Edit (or Edit and Duplicate) option.

Select Section Layouts from the list on the left of the Compile Format Editor. Then click the ‘+’ to the upper right of the layout list to create a new one.

The Section Type hierarchy is defined in the Project → Project Settings → Section Types pane. This hierarchy defines the default types by structure. You still have to assign an appropriate Layout to get specific formatting, though.