My topic subject heading says it all. I’ve tried using find and replace, but it’s a new character, so, I can insert any name to be replaced. Is there a way?
Any helpful replies would be much appreciated.
I’m not sure I understand. If it’s a new character, why would you have anything to search for/replace?
Or did you write something for the character but not give him/her a name at the time? If so, using a unique placeholder when you write would be my suggestion ie. *New1 blah blah-something that won’t get false hits in a search.
Re: finding characters, an easy method is to use tags in all the scenes your characters appear in. This is also helpful because you can use multiple tags in any document/folder for multiple characters/settings/pov/whatever - then create collections to follow their individual (or group) timelines.
That’s really helpful, and thanks so much for your reply. I’ve been using Scrivener for years, to write fiction, but, I’m not very familiar with some editing options.
Yes, it’s the question in your second paragraph that’s my issue. How do I use a unique placeholder? I have a very limited understanding of anything technical .
If you don’t have a name for a character you can call them “FirstTallMan” or “EvilCatLover” or whatever you like. Then go back and replace once you do have a name. This isn’t really a “placeholder” in the way that Scrivener uses placeholders for page numbers and such, it’s just text.
But if you didn’t name them at all, just used a pronoun, then you’re stuck. Scrivener can’t find text that doesn’t exist.
Or give him a name like bob(a simple name) and use find and replace to change later. I love keywords for characters and can quickly limit scenes to search by searching only for that keyword
Unless you write about discombobulated bobtailed kabob-eating bobcats on bobsleds.
I’m having flashbacks to a misguided find and replace I once did, when I blindly chose “replace all” without thinking through the possible repercussions.
Now, I must go lie in a dark room until my shaking stops…
Didn’t consider that. Good point🤷♂️
That’s what the ‘Whole word’ option is for
Do you mean I would have to use Robert rather than bob???
No. If you used Bob, you would do a search and replace on Bob and select the Whole word option in the dropdown. It would only replace Bob. You could further deselect Ignore case to ensure that it only replaced Bob and no bob.
I was joking about using the whole name for Bob.
When the name of a character has not formed in my mind I use codes like MMCG and MMCF (Main Male Character Given-name and Main Male Character Family-name) then use replacements when compiling the manuscript with a possible name. It looks — and feels — odd to have “MMCG and 2FCG were locked in a passionate kiss while FMCG looked on in disgust” in the text but it all resolves over time. And because the coding never produces proper words search-and-replace is simple and safe.
To date there has not been an occasion when I needed the sort of roles that one line characters in TV programmes and films get “2nd Thug”, etc but the same scheme would likely work.
I wondered but considered an odd joke. Each to their own
Many thanks to all who offered sage advice and tips, including the witty ones😁. I’ve sorted out this problem now, and can continue with struggles to be creative with my fiction writing.
would work as something to search/replace