How to paste Markdown text as rich text

When I paste MMD text (from Grok or ChatGPT) into Scrivener, what do I need to do to get the appropriate formatting? That is to say, if I paste text that has /*/*Emerson** (with double-asterisks), what do I need to do to get Emerson in bold?

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Tell us a bit more, to make it easier to help:

  • Windows or Mac?
  • Which version of OS?
  • Which version of Scrivener?

These matter because there are potential differences between the platforms (e.g. Scrivenings mode and searching and formatting across document boundaries). Then:

  • Why do you want to convert the Markdown to rich text?
  • What is the end format you will be compiling to?

These help us to understand why it is necessary to do the conversion, or whether it would in fact be easier for you to keep the Markdown and let the compiler sort it out.


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I am using the current version on a Mac. I want to be able to see the actual formatting in the scrivener file. The mmd symbols clutter up the view of the text and the simple formatting is lost.


If you want the markdown converted to rich text there’s a simple Shortcut to do just that available here. Alternatively, if you have a markdown editor such as iA Writer (or similar) you can use ‘Copy Formatted’ (⌥⌘C) to copy/convert markdown text in iA Writer to rich text for use in Apple Notes, Pages, Scrivener, etc.

Unfortunately, I’m not aware of any way to have Scrivener display markdown as rich text, without converting it to rich text.

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I don’t think that will work, at least not that easily.

I’ve just tried the great PopClip’s Markdown to RTF extension and inserted the RTF text into Scrivener. Italics were preserved but the text snippet was in Helvetica. It is possible the extension set it to Helvetiva, but I suspect it to be the OS default because RTF has to have a font setting, unlike Markdown, which is plain text.

So if Helvetica does not happen to be your font of choice you would have to apply your paragraph style (which could be No Style) to each copied Markdown snippet.

For longer, structured Markdown I suggest Scrivener’s Import and Split function which will create Binder items with preserved formatting, the structure, and footnotes too.

I uninstalled PopClick because I never really got round to using it, so I can’t test this, but what happens if you use Paste and Match Style instead of Paste?

With Paste and Match Style italics and such are not preserved.

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Ah, I see – thanks!..

Thank you! I tried the shortcut and it worked almost 100%; there were some entries which were not converted, but for the most part, I am able to do what I wanted to. Cheers!!

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