I just cannot get the First line indents to remove for first paragraphs and after empty lines

Hi everyone

Long time scrivener writer, but NOOB compiler. I am at the stage where I’m trying to put together my manuscript.

I want the first line of a section (chapter) to NOT indent, along with the first line of paragraphs that follow an empty line.

When editing the ‘section text’ layout that is assigned to my chapters’ main bodies of text, I select ‘Settings’, and it says:

Paragraph first line indents:
-do not change
-remove from first paragraph
-remove from first paragraph and after empty lines
-remove from all other paragraphs following other elements

I have selected the THIRD option here, saved the layout, and compiled. The first line of every chapter and every paragraph that follows an empty line is still indented. What am I doing wrong?

Do you have indents in your uncompiled manuscript too? And if so, did you create them properly by setting them in the ruler or did you use Tab? If the latter is the case, that would be an explanation why there are still indents or more precisely: something that looks like indents.

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Hi there thanks for replying

I have not used a tab, they’re definitely set using the ruler.

  1. Does your status on the forum allow you to post screenshots? If we could see your compile settings, we might notice something that you are overlooking.

  2. You haven’t by any chance used a “Normal/Body” style you’ve set up, have you? If so, there’s your problem… all standard text should be “No Style” in the editor, which becomes Normal or Body on compiling. If you have set up a Normal/Body style in the Scrivener editor, it will over-ride any compiler settings.

  3. Not a question, but my experience. First off, I use Nisus Writer Pro as my word processor, so I compile everything with a standard format to RTF and open it in NWP for scanning and tweaking, which includes setting the final font(s) depending on target/purpose. Now, when you compile, No-Style First paragraphs and those that follow other styles, etc., when compiled will also be set to Normal/Body along with the indented paragraphs. This means that any changes to the Normal style in the word processor, like changing the font, will also change the indentation of the First paragraphs.
    My solution is to have a paragraph style—I call it No Indent, which merely has no indent on the ruler—which I apply to any such paragraphs; it compiles as No Indent, and in NWP, as styles are cascading, the No Indent style is based on Normal, so if I change the font on Normal, No Indent is also changed, but does not lose the ruler setting.



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Thanks mark. Number 2 sounds curiously like it might be the cause. I’ll check this out and report back :+1:

Hi all, I am still coping with the same problem on MacOS. I found someone who said you can change this setting in Scrivener ==> Settings ==> editing ==> formatting
and than dragging the ‘T’ all the way to the left. But if I do that, all indents are gone, also indents that I do want when there is no white line above.
Any help is appreciated, this has been driving me nuts for a long time.

This advice helped me:

“You haven’t by any chance used a “Normal/Body” style you’ve set up, have you? If so, there’s your problem… all standard text should be “No Style” in the editor, which becomes Normal or Body on compiling. If you have set up a Normal/Body style in the Scrivener editor, it will over-ride any compiler settings”

When I set my text as no style it then correctly indented when compiled.

Hmmm, everything is set to ‘No Style’ so that is not the problem. But, you mention it will over-ride any compiler settings and I have actually never done anything with compiler settings. Can you tell me where I can edit that?

Welcome to the Scrivener forum.

Perhaps at this stage you should start a brand new post and describe exactly what you are doing and what you see is the problem.

For example, is your issue only in how things look in the Editor? Or are you putting output to a file or printer or something? And are you in fact even doing a compile (available from Menu: File → Compile)?