I made some Scrivener (app) icons!

macOS icons! These are for the app face itself. The one you see in your dock.

(I’m just posting the dropbox link so people can use them, but if this isn’t allowed for any reason, please take my post down by all means. I’ve seen similar posts about themes, so I wasn’t sure.) They were all made with copyright-free materials, so no issues there.

I wanted to make some icons for the app itself, just for fun. I kinda got carried away – thought I might as well post here to see if the odd person scrolling through might want them. Dropbox link right below. I made about a dozen, I think. Honestly, I lost track.

:heart:dropbox link!

If you’re wondering how to change your app icon on macOS, it’s pretty straightforward. Go to your Applications folder – right click on the Scrivener app. Then hit “Get Info”.
On the top left of the info window, you’ll find a tiny version of the original app icon. Choose whatever PNG you’d like to be your new Scrivener icon (this method works for any you’d like, not just mine). Once you’ve chosen it, go ahead and copy the png, and then click on that little icon in the top of that info window. Hit command-v (paste).

You might have to quit the app/remove it from your dock temporarily for it to show up. But once you boot it again, you’ll have a brand new little face for Scrivener!

Once again – hopefully this isn’t against any rules. Just thought more people could get use out of these than just me.


You could also upload them to macOSicons.com (although they may require .icns files, How to create an .icns macOS app icon).

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They look really nice and as a windows user can use the png files.