To put everyone’s mind at rest, Scapple is going nowhere, and is still in active development. Here is what is going on in that regard:
- We are slowly porting the Mac code from the Objective-C programming language to Swift as part of a gradual and ongoing modernisation process.
- Once that’s done, the Swift code for the main “thought group” view will be adapted to work on both macOS and iOS. (This involves writing iOS-specific code for drag and drop, editing notes and much more.)
- Once that’s done, we’ll be writing the rest of the iOS app.
So yes, our plan is to bring Scapple to iOS (eventually). Please note, however, that there is no time scale on any of this. I’m full time on other code that I’ll have my hands full with for the foreseeable future, so the bulk of this work is currently being done, under my supervision, by Ian, a developer who joined the company last year. We’d love to get the iOS version out some time in 2022, but given our past over-optimism with release dates, I’d say that it could equally end up being 2023, 2025, 2050 or 3128. Scapple’s external simplicity is not indicative of its internal workings. So: it will just be out when it’s ready.
Also, although we will of course be fixing bugs, we have no plans for adding new features to Scapple any time soon - the idea was always that it would be simple, stable, and that we wouldn’t be constantly adding to it.
All the best,