IiPad Version Sync Issue with Dropbox


I saw an OLD post about a related, but different issue from 2016, but it’s not the same issue and that was 9 years ago.

Today, my my iPad version of Scrivener just suddenly said ALL of my manuscripts need to sync and if I try to open any, it warns of potential conflicts. I had only opened one on my desktop since the last time the iPad had synced, and I’m nervous to hit “sync” lest it wipe all of them.

I’m using Dropbox as recommended, not other cloud solutions.

I’ve tried restarting both Scrivener and the iPad itself, but nothing is working. Could really use some ideas - my laptop kicked the bucket last week and my iPad is currently serving in its place until I can afford a new one.

Thanks in advance.

Here’s how to backup your projects:

Once you’ve done that, you should be able to recover if the sync does anything untoward.


Thanks, kewms. Since I knew the Dropbox files were correct, I came up with another plan - I just deleted the Scrivener App from my iPad, since that deletes all files associated with it, and redownloaded and reconnected Dropbox, which worked great.

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