I'm a Writer and a Scrivener User. So I wrote "Mastering Scrivener"

“Mastering Scrivener” is meant to bring you up a level in your use of the soft­ware you write in on a daily ba­sis. That’s why I’ve se­lected sev­eral fea­tures that are less well-known, de­serve more in­for­ma­tion, or are hid­den in the Scrivener UI. I’ve tried to take away any fear and un­cov­ered the se­crets of Com­pil­ing by ex­plain­ing ev­ery el­e­ment of that process. Over sixty Hid­den Gems pro­vide nec­es­sary va­ri­ety and in­ter­est for handy and pow­er­ful fea­tures of this writ­ing soft­ware. You’ll know the nooks and cran­nies of Scrivener. You’ll Mas­ter Scrivener.

Even though I kept to the chronol­ogy of the writ­ing process, read­ing the chap­ters in any or­der makes this book a ref­er­ence book. Hope­fully, it ends up opened within reach from your daily writ­ing spot, avail­able when­ever a ques­tion pops up in your head and you know you’ve read the an­swer some­where in this vol­ume.

The Ta­ble of Con­tents, In this Sec­tion-links and the Glos­sary/Index help you find the nuggets you’re look­ing for. Ev­ery chap­ter has its own Ta­ble of Con­tents to make things eas­ier to dis­cover. The il­lus­tra­tions show where to find it in your own in­stance of the pro­gram. In­for­ma­tion at your fin­ger­tips, when you need it.

So, if you were not us­ing Scrivener to its fullest, if you were afraid to com­pile or never got Scrivener to com­pile a sat­is­fac­tory re­sult, if you’ve al­ways thought there was more to this pro­gram than the Ed­i­tor and the Meta­data, I hope this book will help you to make the most of this soft­ware.

It’s been a blast writ­ing about writ­ing soft­ware in the same soft­ware I’ve been writ­ing in. I didn’t cap­ture im­ages only for ad­di­tion as illustrations in this book, at times they were in­dis­pens­able for de­scrib­ing fea­tures in dis­ap­pear­ing win­dows or modal win­dows not al­low­ing to use the Ed­i­tor to write about them.

The project be­came not only a place for the book but also for ex­per­i­men­ta­tion and test­ing var­i­ous sce­nar­ios, mak­ing the Tem­plates folder a mess and lead­ing to a bunch a dis­parate doc­u­ments in a Test folder. I’ve cre­ated a Theme, pro­duced an e-book, and im­ple­mented ev­ery fea­ture re­motely ap­pli­ca­ble to the book it­self. I hope it shows.

Some of the Hid­den Gems I’d never no­ticed be­fore, de­spite my ex­pe­ri­ence writ­ing in Scrivener. Some fea­tures I never knew ex­isted have come to my at­ten­tion. I’ve read most of the User Man­ual, leapfrog­ging from one sub­ject to the other. Ac­tu­ally, I’ve learned a lot too.

I’ve cre­ated the in­dis­pens­able in­dex in the pa­per book in In­De­sign. It both­ers me I’ve not been able to write a sec­tion about cre­at­ing an In­dex for your book in Scrivener and had to set­tle for a Glos­sary in­stead. The lack of point­ing back to page num­bers and link­ing to the first use of con­cepts seems just a bridge too far from what Scrivener of­fers out of the box.

So, go write ef­fi­ciently and fast. Op­ti­mize your writ­ing en­vi­ron­ment the way you want to use it, maybe im­ple­ment­ing an ex­ist­ing Theme. Help your­self to a fly­ing start with ef­fi­cient Project and Doc­u­ment Tem­plates for your chap­ters, char­ac­ters, and set­tings. Uti­lize the meta­data to the fullest and en­gage the Group Views of your writ­ing for over­view and in­sight. Com­pile im­pres­sive look­ing doc­u­ments. It’s all there. Go and have at it.

Epilogue of “Mastering Scrivener” Am­s­ter­dam, July 2021, Ver­sion 1.0

Kindle e-book

Kobo/ePub3 e-book

Oblong Paperback 515 p, 100+ img, 70 Hidden Gems

Mastering Scrivener product page containing Screenshots of content pages.



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Cog in Safari’s header > untick, Enable content blockers, OR Safari menu > Settings for antonidol…> untick, Enable content blockers

(As far as I know Wipr uses common blocking lists so adjustments might be needed for different circumstances, as well.)


Nice, I’ll check it out by buying the kindle version and revert

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Well done. And in support of your contributions in the book and especially here, just bought a Kindle copy. Will post an Amazon review soon.

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