Import of Mac files makes folders.[NOTED]

That’s certainly what I do. I get sent projects from time to time to fix them, or analyse what is wrong with them, and I always wipe them out once I’ve delivered the goods back to the customer. I’m sure everyone else is doing the same.

If you are worried about it though, you can use the project search and replace to scatter a few common letters around and render the thing completely unreadable.

I’m not particularly worried. I’m a software developer for my main job, and I’ve definitely had to analyze customer data and that sort of thing. At most, when discussing with co-workers, we might be like “So Harry put in an order for blah blah blah”, but what we’re really interested in is the problem. I figure it’s the same for y’all.

So, inspired by your comment, I deleted my keywords in the original project (after backing up plus saving-as, LOL), backed up the keyword-less project to zip, and managed to open the project on Windows. Weird.
Windows handled the project slowly, taking its sweet time switching to corkboard mode.
In index cards and in the project notes section (but not in documents) some of the following characters were converted to gibberish:
ó " …
Then WinScriv encountered a problem when I clicked on a large folder of notes trying to display its content as index cards.
Maybe it is some type of “exotic Unicode characters” problem… :confused: Considering that my input languages on both the Mac and Windows are English and Hebrew. BUT my Scriv project contains no Hebrew characters, it’s in English plus a bit of Spanish (so it contains some characters with accents/diacritical marks).
I’m trying to gather up my courage and email the project to Lee so he could figure out if it’s a meta-data/weird Unicode thing. Only if he promises not to read the steamy parts. :blush:

I think you should post them here for us to test and get even more data. In the interests of science, you understand… :wink:


Oh yes, Eddy. In the name of science. I understand. :smiling_imp:

I think it’s pretty clear there’s a keyword issue (although one of the devs should confirm). I think the character corruption is a different one, though. I know Lee’s working on that sort of thing in general.

If you’re really worried, you could just excise the steamy parts before sending :wink:

it took awhile, but I found my link. Yay! I imported my file from scrivener 2.0 for Mac, saving my old file as a 2.0 one. Then I turned on my window XP tablet, and and attempted to open the file in scrivener 2.0 for Windows. Problem: each time, the program would just crash. I read through the site, thought it was dropbox, made the file local, try to open it up again, it which just crash. I still can’t open it. Should I send the file :confused:

Hi, Deb, what did you mean by the Nano version? Is there a version offered in conjunction with NaNoWriMo? Or did you mean the free trial? Didn’t want to miss something. :slight_smile:

edited to add

Oh, forgive me, I found it (about the discount off the full version when you win NaNo). I suddenly have more motivation to make the word count!


I too have old Mac scriv 1.x files that I opened in the Nano Preview to convert to 2.0 and then passed over to ScrivWin. So far, I haven’t detected problems of the nature you describe, but perhaps it’s early days (yes, they make folders but selecting the “project” file brings up the project fine in ScrivWIn. I do notice a total lack of respect for the fonts used, though, and the text is enormous compared with the Mac version (I find I have to scale it back to have the same visualisation of the files). One particular text fragment also came over with weird numbers in place of the indentations, as below :

-280El nostre grup pluridisciplinari, amb experiència en molts àmbits, ens permet afrontar els problemes més variats i trobar-hi solucions imaginatives però raonades . Experts en electrònica, comunicacions i programació, renovem constantment les tècniques, coneixements i eines per estar a la última de la tecnologia.
-280En la creació ----”

All other text fragments in the same file were fine, as were the various file formats in Research, except a pdf of a Powerpoint presentation, which came out as video inverted colours (commented problem on forum).

I shall also be trying to update scriv files all the way from Scrivener Gold through to Windows to see if that throws up anything strange, just for the heck of it!