Including quotes at beginning of chapters


I’m trying to set up compile to have a quote and attribution below the chapter title at the beginning of each chapter. Scrivener will not allow me to edit the 6 x 9 compile format to do this.

I’ve set up “section types” for the quotes and attributions and formatted them in the text. If I use them as separate files, Scrivener adds a page break. Since this style is common in non-fiction books,I’m hoping someone here has figured out how to do this.


Remember, that under the hood, folders can have text, and text documents can have children. So my answer to your problem would be: make your chapters folders (or documents) with scenes as their children, then include your quote with its attribution in the folder. Then when you compile, click to include the text in your section layout for the Chapter section type.



To change any of the Compile Formats supplied with Scrivener, you’ll need to right-click and choose the 'Duplicate and Edit" command.


Thanks! I figured out including the needed text in the Chapter folder, but didn’t consider the format designer. I’m assuming that won’t affect the built-in templates unless I duplicate and edit as another poster suggested.

Yes, you have to duplicate and edit any of the built in formats, then save the edited format either into “My formats” to be available for other projects, or as a “Project format” for this project only.

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The built in formats cannot be edited themselves, but a duplicate copy can. Remember to save the new Compile Format as a My Format so it is available for all of your projects.