Information: UK EE Broadband customers blocked from L&L


I haven’t been able to access this site in ages, until last night. Any browser I use shows the error “This site could not provide a secure connection”, and that’s it. No option to proceed.

It turns out that my EE account has parental controls to block certain topics such as adult content, alcohol, gambling, dating and so on. This website is flagged, for whatever reason, under the Alcohol & Tobacco category. When I turn that part of parental controls off, I can access the site again.

I don’t know why this is, whether it’s down to something on this site, EE being stupid (probably), but either way this site is wrongly flagged and being blocked by EE parental controls.

So if you’ve had problems, or know of someone with access problems, AND they’re on EE broadband - this is why. It might also affect other broadband customers with similar parental control filtering in place.

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Crazy. :foot: :beers: :game_die: :cupid: :smoking: :innocent:‎ ‎ ‎

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Thanks for the info. And ugh, this might be because we keep getting hacked, ever since we moved to Wordpress just before Christmas. We had a seriously major hack just before Christmas, and a lesser hack yesterday. These hacks inject adult content into links or fake pages in the background of the site, and our web developers and SEO people then have to spend ages trying to track down and remove all the dodgy links (they’re in the process of fixing the latest hack). It seems that the sole purpose of these hacks is to bomb our SEO ratings and damage our business (the links are injected in such a way that they are hard to find and are to random stuff).

We are trying to find a more secure provider for the site (it seems that a combination of our current web space provider plus Wordpress is creating a security vulnerability), but it’s proving difficult because it seems that not many providers dedicated to secure Wordpress sites meet all our requirements (a separate forum, download management, and so on). So it’s taking longer than we would like to get to a point where it is much more difficult for hackers.

Sorry for the inconvenience in the meantime!

All the best,