Inline Annotation in a Table

Is there a particular reason why Inline Annotation does not have a box around it when rendered in the cells of a Table?
It does change the font colour to the Inline Annotation setting, but that’s it.

I just tried and my annotation color is red and the box is there. Part of the box merges partially into the table borders. However if expand the table I do see the inline annotation box as shown below. Latest version.

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I tried it on tables created directly in Scrivener and others based on a pasted Word table template for the sake of a channel between the edges of cells and text, and for thinner lines.
Both render without the box.
Not at my computer. Wondering if it has something to do with my tables outside of draft. Probably unlikely.
Looked at different font sizes. Nothing there.
Will look into whether it’s because I have a soft carriage return on the particular lines in the table. First column is dates and more than one event happens on a date, hence the tight topic name (as an Inline Annotation), soft return, description, normal return, next topic…
If the last item then it would probably also be like this for normal editing as well following the soft return approach, which is just about never. The only thing that comes to mind is when I added a bitcoin number for a blackmail ransom to the script.

Tried in the research section and still got the box inside a table. Is this project specific? Have you tried on another project.
Tried changing border thickness, or color fill, but annotation still looks normal. Do have the most up to date version as well.

All my books are in one project these days—found ways to make it work for me.
Tried it in a test project. Creating a table there renders your outcome. Pasting the table there, changes nothing. Trying it in other Scrivener or Word initiated tables in the WIP renders my experience.
Not really a train smash, just something I would have tested to see if I like what I see and save on one mouse click, i.e. instead of pasting an Inline Annotation of the topic name, I click the Inline Annotation icon and then paste topic wherever required in my script.

All my prior theories I’ve since tested and found to be incorrect.

I had only been using the menu command (insert) but added the toolbar icon and clicking that yielded the same results. What are the symbols next to the Inline annotation in the table?
Sorry, Not very helpful.

Those are markers I use to indicate a topic header. I highlight the text between them when I’ve used the topic header as an Inline Annotation throughout my script. That way I do a one-to-many search per topic so I can work through where plot elements are introduced, serve their purpose at various exact points in the script and are eventually closed off.
Whether the markers are there or not, I get the same experience with Inline Annotations in Tables in this project.
As I said, not big deal. I’ll probably find out by accident that I’ve inadvertently set some oddball setting when I’m not digging for an answer.
Thanks for your input. Much appreciated.