ERROR(RSC-005): /OPS/body9.xhtml(18,5): Error while parsing file: element “ul” not allowed here; expected the element end-tag or element “li”, “script” or “template”
I have no idea how to fix that. I’ll note that GooglePlay and KDP have no issues.
D2D only accepts Validated e-books. They should follow the ePub3 specification. It’s best to install a Validator tool, and resolve all these issues in an e-book editor like Sigil. You can install the Validation plug-in in Sigil for example. Follow the filename, line and columnnumbers to locate the errors and update the file so the issue is resolved, until the entire e- book is valid, amd then try D2D again.
Oof, it’s too bad Scrivener doesn’t generate a better epub. It seems to be an issue with bullets–and upon further investigation, that’s been an issue for sometime. It’s a tech book, so a lot of bullet points. Methinks, I shall try a different method to create the epub for D2D.
Looks like you haven’t closed a List Item (li) in an Unordered List (ul).
If you have nested lists, make sure the second level is inside the last List Item of the the first level, and the List Item is properly closed after the end tag of the second level.
No nesting. I don’t know how to close the tag. I used Scrivener to generate the bullet points. My assumption was that Scrivener would close it automatically.
Ordinarily it would, which is why I presume you only have a few (or even just this one) error instead of hundreds?
It would thus be good to try and isolate why that particular list isn’t generating HTML properly. Checking invisible characters, style usage, images, footnotes—anything else that might be abnormal about the chunk of text, is what I’d look for.
Besides the pragmatism of just fixing it in Sigil and getting it done, which is necessary, we’d also like to figure out why you had to do that in the first place. Using Sigil should be something extra you might want to do, to accomplish unsupported features (like inserting multimedia or font embedding), or to design CSS that you can later paste into your compile settings so you don’t have to do that again by hand—not a mandatory phase to fix bugs.
Thanks! I got waylaid with work. There were around 20-30. This is an older book that I was updated. It was originally create in Scrivener in 2012. It’s possible that when it upgraded to the newest version something happened?
It’s certainly a possibility. The listing code has undergone extensive revision since then (never mind underlying programming toolkit changes), in part to make them more compatible with the Mac and iOS versions, but also to make them more stable in general.
While I don’t think this would correct any HTML conversion issues, old lists can have their formatting reset with the Format ▸ Lists ▸ Reset Indents to Defaults menu command. If that doesn’t do it, the second thing I would try is fully resetting the list formatting itself, by selecting one of the lists that is not converting properly, entirely, setting the list type to “None” and then back again to the list type you want.
If that works, we could try and see if there is a bug that can be fixed in the source, by having a look at one of the original lists before it is fixed in this way.