iOS compile margins

This in regards to IOS on iPad Pro.

I am finished with my project “finally“ and am trying to compile a PDF. How may I change the margins on left/right/header/footer?

I would like to make them narrower in my compiled version. Or is there a way to do this before I compile? Since I couldn’t find an option for either, I thought about sending my project over to Microsoft Word. Unfortunately, I have several images that I would have to re-insert into the project because the images don’t transfer to Word (Well they do sort of, as a blank box)
Thank you.

iOS is completely different. Sadly, I don’t have the answer as I don’t use it. :blush:

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A way that seems to work as you’ve asked:

  • Compile using Scrivener to RTF, as a dependably portable form
  • when the result appears, use icon top right, sharing it to Pages, which you should have for free on the iPad
  • Document will appear in Pages
  • use three-dots-in-circle menu top right, select Document Setup,midway down
  • then tap More Options button at bottom
  • on nice graphic screen, set the look you want - margins, page numbers, header/footer items
  • back in document, check everything looks as you’d like
  • use three-dots-in-circle again to select Export, then PDF, then destination

This seems smooth; only tricky part may be where paragraphs end up at page tops and bottoms, which you can adjust by adding/deleting lines, looks like…



Modifying iOS Scrivener compile settings is a bit arcane and involves light coding in YAML markup. I’ve never attempted it, as I compile using desktop Scrivener, but I know the feature is there.

If you’re up for it, see the iOS Scriv Tutorial for an explanation. Go to document Draft > Exporting and Printing. Topic Appearances discusses how to access the YAML settings. Create a duplicate preset as described, and when you’re in the Appearance Editor, press the “?” icon at the top. This will take you to ABOUT SCOMP FILES, which is a mini-tutorial on all the appearance settings available to be customized. You’ll find settings for Margins near the end of this mini-tutorial.

If you decide you’re not up to messing with YAML–there’s no shame here, few choose this path!–then exporting to some other word processor for final formatting (as suggested by @narrsd) is the way to go. :nerd_face:



This works great for changing the margins but unfortunately all the images don’t transfer over with the rest of the document. Thank you.

This worked! Thank you so much.

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Wow! I’m so glad that helped. :sunglasses:

I’m curious - was it difficult to get the syntax correct?


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No not at all, after I understood the directions. Lol
Between your instructions and L&L’s, I was able to do it and I am only moderately text savvy.

I ended up changing my margins, footer and header from 72 to 45. I like the Palatino font so I changed the Times New Roman to that.

I duplicated the manuscript times format and then copied/pasted the margins info from the scomp appearances help file into the scomp appearance editor file. (I pasted the margins info at the bottom of the editor file).

I like the option that if I want to go in and format anything else, I can just click on edit to make changes, as the duplicated format is editable.

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Excellent. To paraphrase a quote from a recent post, sounds like it was intuitive once you knew how it worked!


Exactly! :muscle: I love learning all these little secrets about Scrivener.

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Sorry it didn’t seem to be complete, but great you were able to do something nicer with @JimRac 's suggestion.

I’ve never seen an image missed by RTF, nor Pages skip one, but there are all sorts of types out there, and maybe you had some that weren’t compatible for this.

Maybe of those Apple HEIC new format ones, which Pages understands on its own, but RTF or Scrivener’s converter might not have known what to do with, but could be something else…

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@JimRac , that’s really a good one – and somehow I just skipped over it in having a look at the Tutorial/documentation a bit ago…thanks!


Thank you for your help.

Yes, I thought that was strange too. I have about 25 images in my document and all of them were missing when transferred to Pages. But I found I am able to send RTF documents with images in them from other apps to Pages without a problem.

Well, just so you don’t feel you did something, I tried this…and indeed it seems no longer to work, with RTF.

  • It does work if you compile to Word, and open that in Pages
  • Scrivener iOS compile to RTF lacks images, opened in Pages
  • the same RTF transferred to laptop shows the images fine, opened in Word
  • compiling the same Scrivener file to RTF on the laptop…opens fine in Word…
  • but that Windows Scrivener RTF also doesn’t show images in Pages on the iPad

I used one each of sure-jpg, and possibly-heic images, but the results were the same for both.

So, there’s a problem here, compatibility between Scrivener’s RTFs from either platform, and Pages on at least the latest iPadOS.

Hard to point a finger about fault; and too late to think more about it, but what you found is a bug, at some level, seems a good prediction…

Short story: if you need to do this, for some reason, compile to Word.

Just goes to show, no advice or practice is always ‘right’, or remains so :slight_smile:

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…and, I thought to try one more thing.

I created a file in Word on the Win laptop, Dropboxed that and its RTF version to the iPad.

Result: Pages doesn’t see the photos in the RTF from full Word either, even though they are present on the thumbnail of the files selector screen.

The Word RTF version’s images are fine, as Scrivener’s Word compiles were – images as inserted.

So, the problem is not with Scrivener, it’s apparently with Pages. Which is normally just good.

Fits my maxim, I think…

…and, a few more minutes before rest, and I seem to find that Apple doesn’t like images in ‘flat’ RTF files that everybody but them uses – only the Apple flavor of RTF, which has the images invisibly held seperately. What fun…

So I guess the answer is as above, use Word compile from Scrivener, when you want to see the results in Pages, probable end of story.

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Spot on. Apple’s Pages document format is their secret. Microsoft’s DOCX format is documented and published.

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Thank you for taking the time to test this. These suggestions have been a tremendous help to me and I know it will be to others as well who read this thread.

You are exactly right – I compiled to Word and then opened that in Pages and it works like a charm!

The 3 main difficulties I was having, was with (1.) adjusting margins (solved- thank you JimRac), images not preserved when compiling (solved-thank you Narrsd) and (3.) using the floating keyboard, which for me, causes a large white space which blocks text (posted in another thread).

So 2 out of 3 have been solved. Fantastic! Thank you again for all your help.

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Gina, glad you could find some comfort in this. I’m well familiar with the sense of harrying our tools until they work – or we do, anyway :slight_smile:

…as there are things to be done with them, seems sure :herb:

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You’re always so appreciative, @rms, and I know you are aware on finer points, so will pass this along: Apple, RTFD, and RTF

It’s the least furious response I could find, and has some facts.

Different (entirely) forms of DOCX were entirely secret until fairly recently, the many years, disclosed no doubt for what they think of as business reasons.

RTF, though has been an entirely open format, and generally accomplishes very well.

The problem here isn’t with Pages’ own format, it’s with a flavor of RTF, the RTFD mentioned, which is documented, but I think made by Apple, and which only Apple apparently uses.

The D would stand for directory, or the containment folder which has been a part of the Apple scheme since the first ‘little refrigerator’ Macs, where they called it a ‘resource file’.’

All sorts of things, including images, were considered ‘resources’, and put there. It was sort of elegant, part of work by some actuallyl brilliant persons, while Microsoft was slugging it out in the world in their generally crude ways, if Word itself was better than that.

That world was bigger even than Microsoft, and it wanted flat things that fit Unix, and the many other commercial systems there once were. Apple interchanged gradually with those other lands as it realized people there wanted to use, buy their machines, but they did it by export/import.

And have fallen down in this particular place apparently out of a stubbornness, or young who don’t have a sense of the world to see the point. It may be that latest Pages on Macs does the right thing, but nice as it truly is, the version on iPads is still reduced.

I see that MS is still trying to hook you for a subscription if you want Word on an iPad, and it could even be that the two company’s salesmen made a deal that Apple wouldn’t improve their game to fully compete. Such results of parlays are often enough present where we don’t see them. and not done by those who take pride in how their own form of artful construction works, no?

take care,

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