iOS (mobile) blank page of folder-document

The way my Scrivener project is set up, is each chapter is one or more documents in a folder. But when I’m reading through these documents by clicking the down arrow in the top right corner, every time I pass the documents, there’s a blank page of the next folder itself. Which is really jarring when most my chapters are single-document, so every second document is a blank page.

Is there a way to turn off/hide these empty folder-documents?
I assume there isn’t which is why I tagged this as wishlist.

Each entry in the draft folder can have text (regardless of the icon it uses, folders are a bit of a fiction). So yes, you’re scrolling through each potential chunk of text when using those buttons, and there is no way to skip some items based on their icon type.

Think of it as a visual cue that you’ve switched major sections (chapters, whatever). :slight_smile: They can also be, since by default they don’t compile their text content, a convenient place to put chapter notes.

But if it does bother you, something you could consider is not using folders so much, and just nest sections within sections. The first part of the chapter can be at the top, and then the subsequent parts of that chapter would be text sections nested beneath it, then you don’t have blank spots. That is how I work, almost exclusively.

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@AmberV, it’s interesting, and perhaps particularly about your writing approach.

I tried it out on two points, as I’d missed it the first time around, on your link:

  • Is it accepted by Aeon Timeline? Seems to be, though only the top level is labelled as a chapter – lower levels are all ‘Scenes’. Maybe that’s really about losing Sections as a hierarchy stage.
  • what about iPadOS/iOS Scrivener? Here there’s a bit more impact. You lose the choice of having cards in view at levels (from the slide-right menus). You can still view cards from the top row button from a document you’re in, but this loses something.

Again, though, interested in your writing approach, and maybe it’s not so taxing to add folders to do the structure later rather than just indenting, if wanting to keep the various abilities they come with (in replies to your linked article).