Is it OK to insert emojis in Binder Titles for classification purposes?

Quite a lot to be found here too:

This one I like (mid page - link at the bottom of this post) :

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Back to the initial question:

I once had quite an issue, after exporting files from Scrivener that had a special character in their binder title (“/”), where the export split the documents in two where “/” was, but made the second folder impossible to open, move or delete.
It took me a good few hours to find an arcane solution on the net and clean this mess up.

All this to say that I since then personally avoid ANY special characters in my documents’ titles. I would advise that you stick to icons.

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a very good point which answers my question. I have had similar experiences and don’t want to relive them. Being an idiot, I used emojis in filenames for classification purposes, only to find out that dropbox did not sync those files, and I ended up having to rename about 1,000 files.
thanks again

This is interesting. In macOS, “/” is a reserved character that is forbidden for use in file names, because it is used to describe the path in the filing system. Most Mac apps will automatically substitute a hyphen for the backslash character if you export something with backslashes in the title.

I’m surprised that Scrivener allowed that to happen. It should have never presented those backslashes to the OS as a filename.