It is possible to synch the lastest verion of Scriveners to two cloud storage services for example Dropbox and Mega?

It is possible to synch the lastest verion of Scriveners to two cloud storage services for example Dropbox and Mega?

If yes, can you refer me to the process? I really appreciate it.

First stumbling block will be to have the same project in two sync folders to service the two sync services. I find that difficult to understand how you can practically have two copies of the same project. So, not without herculean efforts, I don’t think it’s possible. I of course could be wrong.

Why do you want to?

Whether it’s possible will depend on whether the two services can be told to synchronize the same folder.

Whether it will work will depend on how well the two services handle shared access to the project. For instance, if you use Mega to sync between Computer A and Computer B, but Dropbox to sync between Computer B and an iPad, you need to be sure that Mega gets all the changes from Computer A transferred in a timely manner.

Best practice would be a “hub-and-spoke” arrangement, where one system – probably the one you use most often – is designated as the canonical version and the others sync to/from it.

Edit: Make sure you have at least one backup that’s not accessible by either sync service.

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For additional security. I have problems synching to Dropbox. My files seem to be saved there but not with my headers but endless numbers and letters. Strange.

That suggests you are opening the project folder and poking around, something definitely not recommended.

Dropbox syncs the project with the project name. You should never be opening a project directly on Dropbox but syncing it to whichever computer/s you are working on.


The “endless numbers and letters” are identifiers that Scrivener uses internally. Among other things, they allow you to use characters in the Binder that are not valid in file names, and ensure that each item in the Binder has a unique identifier whether you give it a unique name or not.

As @RuffPub said, though, you shouldn’t be poking around in the project folder in the first place.

For added security, you want a true backup service, not a sync service. That is, you want something that will capture a static archive of your project and put it somewhere where it can’t be damaged or overwritten without deliberate action on your part. Sync services, by design, do not meet that requirement.

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I thought that it is better to check that my files are indeed synched and backed up.