Jumping to another section in the binder

Hi everyone!

The binder has dozens and dozens of items which is making it a little bit cumbersome to navigate from one area to another.

I became hopeful when I sow the “go to” menu item (under Navigate) where It can take me to a folder, but it only opens the item on the editor, it does not navigate to that item in the binder. If it did, I was going to create keyboard shortcuts to each major section using keyboard maestro.

Is there another way to accomplish this?

Thank you.


Thank you.

When I press those keys it opens a clipboard history on my computer?

Is that what I am supposed to be looking at?

Thanks again…just trying to understand your suggestion.

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Sounds like a different tool is snatching this shortcut.

In Scrivener it’s supposed to perform “Reveal in Binder” (the current document in the Editor) from the “Navigate” menu.

So either you remap this one or the shortcut from the other software.

Oh, I got it now.

Yes, it is being high jacked by another tool.

I tried this command, but it only reveals in the finder what I am currently working on the editor for example.

What I want to have happened is, say I have selected a document all the way to the bottom of the binder. Now I remember I want to add a document to a folder which is located halfway on the hierarchy. My folder structure is too long and cluttered, making it difficult to find what I need, especially during planning.

Will the “Reveal in Binder” help me with that? Do you know how?

I went to the manual, but it is not clear to me how to accomplish this.

Thank you again. I appreciate it.

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My reply was in regards to your initial question:

Basically it’s the missing “if it did” step. You load the document in the Editor and then reveal it in the Binder. The downside being that it also takes you out of the current document. I wasn’t sure if this matters or not.

Personally, I’d probably create a Collection (or even Bookmarks) containing the major sections and use that for navigation.

Something like this (it doesn’t affect your current document in the Editor):

The bookmarks’ solution is an excellent workaround!

I just tried, and I will always keep it open, floating on top of the binder at the bottom with my top 5 folders I need to go to.

Thanks so much! I appreciate it.

Thank you!

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Great. How did you make it float, though? Using KM?

With the CMD SHIFT B

Works great with that key combo because CMD SHIFT are the 2 modifiers I use with all my scrivener shortcuts in KM

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Now I just right-click on top of the item and select reveal in binder.

If I click it will change the view on the editor which normally I don’t want.

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Yeah, I see what you mean. I just completely forgot that this floating Bookmarks window exists. :see_no_evil:

You can also attach the bookmark list to a Quick Reference pane, from which point it will work as a sort of “mini Binder” for the Quick Reference window.


:blush: Glad to help lol

Thanks again.

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Yes. I noticed that too. Do you know if it could be attached to a copy holder?

No. The copyholder is actually pretty limited. (Although if you pop it out to its own windows, it becomes a QRP.)

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BTW, you can still use the shortcut I mentioned first (after you reclaim it) to bring the Binder back to your current Editor document.

Oh Ok.

I will use either the floating window or the bookmark pane based on how much I need to organize in the binder.

Thank you!

I deleted my previous post by mistake.

Well…after claiming back the reveal in binder shortcut, I was able to map every folder I regularly use to a Keyboard Maestro shortcut.

It reveals the content on the ecitorr, but then, I shift focus to the editor bar, then invoke the “reveal in binder” shortcut, then invoke the “switch focus to editor”, then invoke the “backwards in document history” shortcut all inside the keyboard maestro shortcut.

The last one in the series brings back to the editor whatever was in it before the shortcut changed its content with the “reveal in binder” step.

Works perfectly.

Thank you for your help and for bringing clarity to the process.

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