Just released my first novel using Scrivener

In December of 2022 I published my first novel, All Cars Run to Park Street. http://maatpublishing.net/allcarsruntoparkstreet.shtml
I used Scrivener extensively in the process of researching, drafting, revising, and formatting this book.
My wife and I started a small publishing company about nine years ago, about the same time I started using Scrivener. This book is the twentieth book we’ve published—a few of our own, but mostly by New England authors. Scrivener has been, and continues to be an invaluable tool.


Hi SteveCarterFrogstory,


Congrats. Gives me hope as well.

Well, along the lines of hope, here’s a bit about the long development of my book.
I first came up with the idea for the book more than fifty years ago. I took sporadic notes for many years. In 2013 I started to get serious :grinning: about organizing those notes, and I started tracking my time–though not very diligently–working on the book. On Jan 31 of last year I ran a report in my time tracking software to see how many hours I’d logged on the book, including note taking, organizing my notes, writing, revising, and so forth. Over 1558 hours.
For the past ten years I’ve been pretty active in the writing community here in the New England seacoast area, and I’ve told many writers about my WIP… My sense is that, after hearing about it for the nth time, looking at me askance, they believed I’d never finish the book. Often, I believed that myself.
But I finished it. I published it. People are reading it. I am very happy about that.
So, please indulge an old man (I was 76 when I published the book, and have since passed yet another birthday) and let me give you some encouragement. Don’t give up.


I am also 76 and have written 6 novellas. You wrote a wonderful story. Thanks for sharing. ~BrainW

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“Maat” Publishing. What a great choice of names!
My definition phrase for “Maat” is: Say what you mean. Mean what you say. It may come true someday!
Congratulations on your accomplishments.