Keep Quick Reference Panels On Top - setting location?

(v3.1.5.1, Win 10 64-bit) I can tell from past posts that there used to be a setting to control whether or not quick ref panels were always on top; now I’ve found a use for them I’d prefer it if they weren’t always on top. Five hits in the manual for “on top”, none apply. Checked Options, couldn’t find a setting.

Does the setting still exist? (if so, where?)

Floating Panels for Maximum Visibility
Quick Ref panels have an additional capability in the Window ▸ Float Quick Reference Panels menu toggle (Windows Key + Shift + Q).

Ah! Thanks!

@AmberV Minor point, admittedly, but may I suggest, re UI & documentation, that “float” is not the same as “keep on top”? For me, “Float” is the inverse of “Dock(ed)”. AFAICT, Quick Ref windows are always floating, and can’t be docked, but they can be “Always On Top” or not.

(But, to be totally fair, even “float” is wrong; just because something is floating, doesn’t mean it can’t be “docked”… but that’s IT history for you, alas :wink: )

I’d respectfully disagree. I’ve seen the term “float” used as a more concise way of describing windows with the “Always Keep on Top” attribute applied to them, on more than one occasion. Yes, it can also used to describe a palette that has been undocked from a modular interface sidebar style interface, and I’ve even seen it used in contexts where the OS ordinarily doesn’t have a concept of windowing at all, to describe windows (like Android).

So long as we are consistent in our usage, I think we’re fine. You’ll note that the scratch pad is also referred to in that fashion by its nature, and there is a Window ▸ Float Window menu command which can cause an entire project to float over everything else.

That all said, I could certainly work in some phrasings into the sections that refer to such capabilities into the manual, to facilitate searching. I’ve added it to my list.

Fair enough :slight_smile: Thanks.