There are in fact several factors that slow down development on Windows and which also don’t make it feasible to throw more men at it, but these none of these factors is cash.
One of the biggest factors, as has been mentioned upthread, is that it is no simple matter to train someone to understand the ins-and-outs of Scrivener so that they know it well enough to code it. It’s a large app with a big codebase, with huge amounts of code just dedicated, for instance, to the rich text system, or Compiling to so many different formats (the ebook, FDX and Fountain exporters are written from scratch on both platforms; on Windows, they also had to write their own RTF converters from scratch). For a developer to do a good job, they need to know not just what the different features are, but how they are integrated. They have to know all of the things that most users will never notice.
To this end, the Windows version is a constant back-and-forth. We have Lee, the lead developer and head Windows bod, and he has Tiho, a hugely talented coder. They work together to build the codebase and get the Windows version working and looking as it should. I have to do my best to communicate all of the changes in the Mac version as they happen so that they can be translated to the Windows version (and I’m sure Lee and Tiho would have a thing or two to say about how I do on that score.
) But we also have Jennifer, whose main job, along with heading Windows support, is to constantly test the Windows version and point out where it is missing features or minor points of integration that exist in the Mac version and might otherwise be missed (Jennifer being one of the team members who know Scrivener the most intimately). There’s Brian, too, who works part-time keeping the Windows bug-tracking up to date for us.
Trying to bring anyone else on board would only slow things down, because we’d have to spend our time training and teaching them, and they would have to familiarise themselves with a massive codebase. On top of that, from that point on we’d have to spend time communicating and liaising with that person to ensure all work was coordinated (more difficult when we are spread across the world).
There’s also the matter of the platform. Lee and Tiho use Qt to develop the Windows version. As you perhaps know, there is no single obvious choice for developing apps on Windows. On the Mac, it’s Cocoa and that’s it. (These days there is the choice between Swift and Objective-C, but those are just different languages that use the same frameworks.) Lee decided on Qt early on as the best solution for implementing Scrivener on Windows, but it is difficult to find really good Qt programmers (Tiho is one of them, fortunately!).
The Mac also provides a number of advantages for faster programming. For instance, I only really have to worry about two different screen resolutions - Retina and non-Retina. The range of resolutions on Windows is enormous, and Lee and Tiho have faced an uphill struggle getting Qt to work really well with HDMI screens - I believe it took them something like three months to crack the worst of that problem alone.
The Mac version has a five year head start on the Windows version, too, and even though the Windows version has been around for six months now, it has been far from easy for Lee and Tiho to close that gab because all the time they’ve been working to catch up with the Mac version, I have not been sitting on my laurels, and 3.0 has been in development for around three years now. So they’ve been working to add all of the 2.x features and the 3.0 features.
So, throwing more manpower into the mix would be very unpredictable. It’s possible that it could speed things up, but equally possible that it would only slow things down.
I expect the Windows version will take a good few months longer than the Mac version, and I wouldn’t be surprised if it wasn’t ready unit the second half of 2018. But we want to get it right, and when we do, we’ll finally be at a stage where the Mac and Windows versions can start moving forward together - a point we’ve been aiming for for a long time.
And yes, in the meantime there will be a Windows 3.0 beta. It will be more of an alpha, really, at first - for the more intrepid testers, or for those who work cross-platform and are happy to do the heavy-lifting such as Compile on their Macs but can continue to write in the Windows 3.0 beta. It’s hugely frustrating for us, too, because we are aware that our Windows uses often think we see them as second-class citizens, when that is far from the truth. We’re working really hard to give them the best possible version of Scrivener for their platform - it’s just taking longer than we would have hoped to get both versions on a par. I think Scrivener users will be very pleased with how Scrivener 3 looks when they fire up the beta, and I hope that they’ll find the final version worth waiting for.
All the best,