L&L Cabin thread...or something like it

Jeezzz!!! Bob…that sounds painful. :open_mouth:

Cold remedy: Jameson in hot water, with a slice of lemon. Don’t know a cure for your structures though. :confused:
Get better soon.

Vic, I’m confused. Does the slice of lemon go in the hot bath or in the Jameson? :blush:

Australian… confused. Each is synonymous with the other. Unfortunately there is no known cure. Not even Jameson, Holy Amber Distillation can help ease the symptoms… even with lemon. To quote Friedrich Engels : “Removed from the sight of happier classes, Australians may struggle along as they can”. Sorry Mate :frowning:

I thought the bath WAS Jamesons. Vic-k needs to provide us some better assembly instructions.

We love it when the British think that. It means our subterfuge is succeeding and we can feel all smug and superior. And enjoy our weather. And beaches. And fresh food. And mild winters. And…

True. ButI’s a bath I’ll remember for a long* time.

[size=85]At least the first part of the bath. It stings a bit (& in places you don’t want to sting) but after a while you get kinda numb and even the lemons seem muted. Mrs nom was unimpressed, but that was partly because we don’t have a bath so I’d blown up the kiddie pool*. The hardest part was heating the Jameson’s and carrying it out to the bath in buckets.
Partly because of the pool, but mostly because she wouldn’t let me drain it on the lawn so I had to drink my way out.* In retrospect, I can understand why she wasn’t impressed by that.
***Which also explains why the first part of the bath was more memorable. [/size]

I met my 10k goal!!! Woohoooooooooooo!

Doe anyone know long the Scrivener discount coupon lasts for. I hoping I’ll be able to use it on Win 2.0! cheeky grin

Yay! Someone met his/her goal. This month has been an “ugh.” for me.

Hmmm. I seem to have got sidetracked…

Pressures of running the World, Mistress Astrid… pressures of running the World! :frowning:


Every year. Every. Damn. Year. I manage to get about 1/2 of my way through whatever I’m working on by the end of whatever NaNo I’m doing. Now it’s twice a year. And I had aimed for a short story this time even. Obviously, I don’t know what that means, nor do I have a good grasp of how to write with brevity.

Here’s hoping I can slash this crap in half.

Hehehe, well done Robert, please congratulate yourself. :slight_smile:
Maybe you just learned a better calibration of your target setting
Or maybe, you just learned that you need twice the time you think you need?
Or maybe you just need another month?

—> next time you’ll be spot on! :slight_smile:

You know the reductionist definition of insanity, that while doing the same thing over and over, one still expects different results? That’s me. I figure this year, I’ll stop trying to show every waking moment of my characters, every step of their journey, and get to the fraking story. Every year, I think that. Mostly, it’s fear that if I admit I need 2000 words to tell a 1000 word story, I’ll end up writing 4000. :confused:

Start from th’ end Bob, and work backwards.
Hope this helps.
Np need to thank me :wink:

.advice the for thanks But .backwards write to enough skilled really not I’m


Thanks again,

currently beyond me.
late in life. These advanced techniques, I’m afraid, are
I am but a bumbling amateur, learning the craft of writing

In all seriousness, I may have to do this for another “short” work in the future. Working with the last scene first might very well break me of some bad habits, though I do need to also work on my plotting for such a technique to work; I “discover” so many characters and sub-plots as I write, it would make for a very strange rough draft to end up with a small cast of characters who later disappear and are never mentioned again. T’would be quite the brain-stretcher.

Bob, you did notice, didn’t y’, that I said, “From the bottom up.” and not, “From up the bottom.” :open_mouth: Thought I better make it clear, just in case. :wink:

It’s a fascinating milieu to be plonkering about in, and if we use the adage, that, 'It’s not the arriving that matters… but the getting there and all it entails, that counts.', then everything you do, every trial and tribulation is all grist to your mill.
Vic :wink: