Large grey box wont go away?

Hello All,

Ive looked around the forum and havent found an exact match. I have a large grey box just hanging out and wont go away. I dont have any sort of footnote or header set up as far as i can tell but this popped up and i cannot undo it and cannot recreate whatever it is i did to make it pop up in the first place. Um, help?

Unfortunately it doesnt appear that i can upload a screenshot of it. But its a large grey box that almost looks like a thought bubble as it has a little down arrow centered in the bottom part of the box.

What platform, please? And what version of Scrivener?

I’ll update your trust settings to let you post a screenshot.

Hi, let me try this again:
Scrivener: 3.4(16639)
Mac OS: Sonoma 14.6

Oh, and fwiw, this block of grey goes away in compose mode. It appears in every other place though.

Hmm. That looks like the Mac OS Dictionary/Thesaurus box. By default, a three-finger tap on the trackpad will bring it up, and another three-finger tap should make it go away.

The setting comes from the Apple → System Settings → Trackpad → Look up & data detectors option.

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Ah hah! I would not have thought to look at this. Thank you! So, i turned off that setting in system settings → trackpad. The box did not go away. But, the old reboot + having that option unchecked fixed it!

Thank you - this is my first Mac after decades and decades of windows so i am still very much learning it.

Appreciate your help and happy Scrivening!