Latest Update Crashing [on use of colour pop-over in Format Bar]

I just installed the latest (3.3) Scrivener update for macOS, and I’ve had it crash on me at least 4 times in a row. I know at least one reason is triggered by the font colors. It used to be that if I clicked long on the font color button in the toolbar, the dropdown menu with more colors would appear. Now, if I do that, the whole program shuts down without notice.

Am I supposed to do something different to access the color menu now?

I use colors a lot in Scrivener, so assuming it’s not user error on clicking the right way, I’m hoping this will be fixed soon.

See the screen shot below. When you say “font color button” you mean the “Colors” button? Or the “Fonts” button?

I don’t recall in past any dropdown menus, but it’s working now for me with Scrivener 3.3 the same as I recall, that being the system-provided (as I understand) dialog box appears. I don’t see any crashes. I’ve clicked, and I’ve long-pressed, numerous times.

I know this doesn’t directly help, but I thought I would report what I see. I’m on macOS 13.2.1

Please open a support ticket, here, and attach a copy of the crash report:

In the meantime, if you need to revert to the previous version, you can download it here:

I am talking about in the toolbar. I can’t get past this toolbar button to even open those options. It is the one that just looks like a colored square and the hover text says "Toggle the text color.

Sorry, I tried to include a screenshot, but the forum settings won’t let me.

Well, I’m out of ideas. It’s probably in plain sight, but I can’t find the icon you are describing. I’m not saying it’s not there, but I can’t spot it. Probably hiding in plain site. :wink:

Best to take up the invitation by @kewms to submit a support ticket.

Colors is in the last column.

I found colors (see above where on my toolbar and above) but could not find the one described above. Nor did I find a crash. Whatever.

Same issue for me. And now the same is with the special version of Scrivener The buttons causing the crash are “font color” and “highlight color” in the toolbar.
Capture d’écran 2023-03-31 à 10.42.39


Everyone, that’s the “Format bar” not the “Toolbar”! :grin:

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Same probleme here since the installation of the newest version.

Yep, crashing on both text colour and highlight colour.

Crash reports: (17.3 KB)


Now that I am aware of what button to “long push”, I can report I see same thing.

Thanks for the report! I’ve got it filed to take a look at.

Meanwhile there are several ways of changing text colour, so you aren’t stuck without this tool available:

  • Right-click on the text, where you will find both Text & Highlight Color submenus. These provide access to the top five larger swatches in the pop-over, along with any custom colours you save into the Mac system color tool.
  • And for that, ⇧⌘C on selected text is an easy way to change the text colour if you want more precision and options.
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I also reported this directly to @AmberV. The same problem happens in the Nano version. Pretty consistent in that it crashes every single time.

Hello all! Keith, being the rockstar he is, has already pushed out an update for this! Please go to Scrivener → Check for Updates to update to 3.3.1 to fix this issue.


Incredible. And appreciated.

(To think that some recent posts here in this forum suggested that there were no dev’s at L&L. Ha!)


This seems to have fixed it for me. Thanks!

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Same issues. At least 5 crashes today since I updated. All for little things like changing a font’s color, resizing a table, highlighting something. The problem is the issues seem to be intermitent. It works just fine, for several hours then crash. On the plus side the re-indexing seems to be going faster.

Missed the 3.3.1 update, I’ll report back if it continues to crash, but otherwise awesome work!

Hi all,
Since I updated to version 3.3 a couple of days ago Scrivener has crashed twice on me.

The first was the when I entered Command W to close a file. I didn’t lose any data. That had been a fairly common occurance, but much less so recently… until the new version.

The second was as I was attempting to change the colour of some text. I clicked on the box at the top of the screen and down it went. I did lose data and I’m not happy about it. When MS Word crashes there’s an Auto Recovery folder. Please correct me if I’m wrong but I don’t believe Scrivener has that.

I’m running the lastest version of the Mac I’m using.
