Layers (a la Omnigraffle)

When working in omnigraffle, I find it helpful to use layers. Sometimes, I’ll divide layers up by level of detail. Sometimes, I’ll divide layers up by topic. When I do this, I can show/hide specific layers while I’m working. This allows me to focus on a particular topic or a particular level of detail, and also allows me to temporarily clear irrelevant details or topics off the board. Would you consider a layers feature for Scapple?

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$15 vs $99 … or $199 for OG Pro!


Mr X

Perhaps a “pro” and a “light” version of Scapple? Lots of apps use a tiered pricing model. I’d cheerfully pay more for more features. And I suspect many pros, corporations, etc. would do the same.

That’s true, though there’s still a big gap in cost/work. In the usual Lit&Lat/Keith way, Scapple came about because he wanted a computer equivalent of a ball-point and a paper napkin for his own use so he programmed it; then he asked the community if we would be interested, with the answer yes, so then it got a bit more development and Lee produced a Windows version and there it stopped.

With Keith as sole Mac developer, and snowed under with Scriv 3 plus the problems of the iOS version, and Lee and Tiho_D programming like mad to bring Scriv for Windows up to parity with Scriv for Mac, don’t hold your breath for any such development.


Mr X