[LH1532] Scrivenings page up/down moves to doc top/bottom

Scrivenings mode in beta 6 works similarly to 1.9.7, in that paging up or down repositions the cursor to the current doc top or bottom,

Expected behavior would be that page up/page down moves the cursor up or down a page.

(Edited for clarity)

Thanks. This has been filed.

I didn’t see this issue called out in the Beta 10 update Notes, although I did see a mention of “Improvements in Scrivenings mode”. And as it’s not listed in the Known Issues section, I thought I’d call out that page up/page down is not working as expected in 10.

Thanks for all your hard work bringing the latest & greatest Scrivener to Windows. :slight_smile:


This one isn’t called out in the Beta 13 update Notes, so I thought I’d call out that page up/page down is not working as expected.

Other than that, Beta 13 looks pretty good!


I’m in Beta 18, and page up/page down in Scrivenings mode is not working as expected.
