Hi all. I wonder if someone can advise me.
I’ve recently purchased a new MacBook and I’ve downloaded Scrivener from the website to use.
I originally bought Scrivener from the website on a MacBook in about 2010, maybe before. I kept the licence info and used it to set up Scrivener on the next MacBook I bought in 2017 (again downloaded from the website).
Now I’ve got another MacBook, downloaded Scrivener 3 from the website, and the licence doesn’t work.
The pop-up screen says “Activation Failed. Please ensure that you are connected to the internet and that the license code you entered is correct. If you have activated this license before, it is possible you have run out of activations; in which case, please deactivate the license on another computer and try again. If the problem persists, please contact support at help@paddle.com.”
I deactivated the licence on my old MacBook, and tried again on the new one. It still says it doesn’t work.
I do not have access to my email addresses from when I originally purchased Scrivener, and tbh I don’t even know which one it would have been.
All I have is the licence and the serial number from when I first purchased.
Does anyone know what I’m doing wrong? Can my original Scrivener licence that’s worked since at least 2010 (right up to this morning on Scrivener 3) not work on a new download of Scrivener 3 on a new machine?
Thanks to anyone who can help - now I’ve deactivated the licence on my old machine, I’ve got 30 days to get this sorted or I can’t use it on any machine!
Your issue is complicated by the fact that Paddle went out of business and L&L had to change license providers.
Open a support ticket. L&L folks will help you figure things out and get you going again.
Thanks - it’s my first day on the forums would you believe and I didn’t think to try a ticket first. I’ll do that!
Your license from 2010 will not work for Scrivener 3. You’ll need an upgrade. If you no longer have access to your registered email address, probably you will still need assistance to get the upgrade discount. You can open a support ticket, here:
I’d recommend taking a look at our upgrade guide for Scrivener 2 users, as Scrivener 3 has some very significant changes. You can find it here:
Thanks - I opened a ticket and it all sorted in less than half an hour. So quick and easy!