License dilemma

I am back using Scrivener after a long layoff and I’m getting the THIS TRIAL VERSION WILL EXPIRE in so many days. I purchased the license some years ago and I remember they said something about it would say that but that was then! What gives??? thanks L&L community

Please don’t wrap ordinary text in a “code” block. It doesn’t wrap and is very difficult to read.

If you’ve misplaced your license key, you can retrieve it here: Log in / FAQs - Literature and Latte Support


Sorry I have no idea I am writing a post in a “code” block! I suppose this reply is in a code block, someone please tell me how to write a new topic correctly!

you did it correctly now.

(To write in "code block), you put back tick marks on ends of text.

like this

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Also known as grave accent. (Or in this case: grave mistake.)