License failed

Good time of day. I recently bought a new PC and used Scrivener for a while with it, until today my license failed to work. I’ve got a vague message that there were probably reasons for revoking my license, so I restarted the app and activated license again. It worked.

So, my question is - should I be worried? Is it a bug? Do I have limited license activation attempts? I mean, yes, I totally forget deactivating Scrivener when I reinstall my Windows.

We typically don’t address activation questions via the public forum to protect users’ privacy.

With that said, there are a few reasons why an activation might fail. The most common causes are anti-virus, firewall, VPN, or proxy tools that disrupt the activation process.

I’ve also handled tickets where the computer didn’t properly save the registry file. We have a few troubleshooting suggestions that tend to help with those issues.

Since you were able to get Scrivener reactivated, you should be fine.

If you start seeing repeated deactivations, please use the email links at the bottom of our contact us page to submit a help request.

That way, we can review the licensing databases to check your license’s status and provide additional guidance.

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Thank you, RuthS. Much appreciate it.