Linux 1.9.01 Beta Released

Running this version of Scrivener in Linux Mint on 18.3, the program is running but not loading files and settings. Anyone else having problems?

Bump - anyone able to reply to my problem?

Well - fixed it myself in the end. I must have changed a file association some where, the fix was to hit F12 and click the reset button in the options to panel, all files are now opening up as before.


For anyone who wants to run this on Ubuntu 18.04, unfortunately the dependencies libpng12 and gstreamer-0.10 are not in the repositories anymore. You can either compile them yourself or install from these sources:

sudo dpkg -i libpng12-0_1.2.54-1ubuntu1_amd64.deb

sudo dpkg -i libgstreamer*.deb[/code]

I’m using Ubuntu 18.04 and when I am writing a screenplay the font keeps switching on me every time I press enter. Is this a setting? I select all and choose Courier New but then it always switches back to Dejavu Sans Mono when I hit enter. Anyone else having this issue?

Thanks for this tip. I’m trying out Linux Mint 19, which is based on Ubuntu 18.04, and found this worked for me with no difficulty.

Have used Scrivener on and off for Windows for a long time, but just come across this version. Thanks for all the hard work, I mainly work on linux at work now and this is going to save me so much time!

This version is working on my Pixelbook, without Crouton. Needed to track down a few libraries, but is loading great, and syncing to Google Drive via command line.

So I have Parrot Sec OS installed on my computer and I downloaded the 1.9 release, and for some reason, i can’t seem to get it to work. I ran the .deb. and even downloaded the tar file for the 64-bit and the 32-bit, but i’m getting no results. Is there a way to run this program?

Nevermind, got it to work!

Hi everybody,

I’ve tried Scrivener last year to make my lesson plans and liked it very much. It fitted in well for my uses as a biology teacher. I am a Debian user and along with learning to use the program, I had a need to make a DEB package to Debian 9 (Stretch), where I fixed some small quirk things regarding to a smooth installation and instant usage of the program without further adjustments. It might work in any distribution derived from Debian (Ubuntu, Mint, etc).

Here is the package for you to use and inspect: <<Download>> (hosted at Gdrive)

This package is tweaked from the original and version of Scrivener for linux. I also moved the Scrivener directory to $/opt . The paths and desktop integration were adjusted and the dependencies are included in a separated archive, as it is fairly old and are no more present on updated distros.

I observe that, as the original configuration file can be generated with some proprietary fonts listed, to the “IndexCard” and “Appearance” (for instance), this package comes with a ‘Scrivener.conf’ and ‘scrivener.prefs’ files pre-made and adjusted to set metric equivalent quality free fonts (under open source licenses). So these files will be in the directory $HOME/Scrivener/Backup --and these fonts is installed to the path $/usr/share/fonts/truetype/fonts-scrivener.

See below the substitutions (from–>to):

[] Arial --> Liberation Sans
] Sans Serif (Microsoft) --> Asap
[*] Courier New --> Nimbus Mono

Hope you enjoy it! I made it for personal needs and decided to share here in case anyone may want to give it a try.

Obs.: If the moderators find my post out of bounds in any aspect, please advise.


1 - changed the hosting to GDrive, so anyone can download directly 2 - download link updated

Well, your contribution is a day on the board, so the admins should have seen it and had the chance to react…
Maybe your deb-file is a fine solution for Linux, for shure it looks interessing. But - it must be possible to try out. I cant’t download it “normal” from 4share and I won’t give them my eMail-adress, direct or indirect. Is it possible for you to give another location for download?

I will try to find a better hosting option and get back here.
Any suggestion?


1 - I uploaded the file to GDrive, with a direct download link now. It might turn things easy. :-) 2 - Updated DEB archive. The link to download is ahead, in other post.

Thank you very much for enabling the download. The deb installed fine and some work could be done (with no data lost), but it crashed after a short time.

Xubuntu 18.10:
The interresting lines in the errormessage are

  • /opt/scrivener/bin/Scrivener:6:/lib/x86_64-linux-gnu/…/
  • UnreportableReason
    and then - translated:
  • This is no official Ubuntu packet. Please remove it.

But, keep up the good work :slight_smile: . No, just kidding - it looks fine and to put it in /opt is just right.


Had it really crashing? I use it on Debian 9 (backported) and at an old Mint installation (at least 1 year without updates I guess) with no problems. Did not tested in Ubuntu directly. I tested extensively before post here, but maybe a test in a VM would be cool to prevent crashes in another distros.

@hwm, may you open it via terminal and send me the output in pvt?

Sorry, I deinstalled and deleted the .deb-file directly after the event. Please, no extended beta-testing for me…

@Alexo: I’ll try this on my Ubuntu 18.10 machine soon and report back! Thanks for your efforts.

@sninkychan, thank you.
It must work into any updated distro (Debian 9 based and newer ones), but the installation would be problematic in old distros (Debian 8 and before) due to dependencies includes, so please be careful.

For any distro based on Debian 8 and before, I think the LL’s package is ok.

So, as I intend to continue using it, later on I will fix it to match Debian packaging rules more closely.


1 - The DEB archive is updated to comply with some distros and to be installed in any release. The link to download is ahead, in other post.

I love Scrivener, and I’m so thankful for it. I am a Linux user (twelve years so far). But I bought a licence for Scrivener for Windows. Now I see this thread and the software for Linux. This is awesome!

But I have questions.

I have been running Scrivener for Windows ( in a Windows virtual machine (Oracle Virtualbox) on my Linux machine. This has worked quite well, but (late as usual) I now see that you kindly did a Linux version of Scrivener, and I installed it. It’s beautiful and opens my Scrivener files just as the Windows version (in the virtual machine) does. But it’s so much nicer and quicker to use this Linux version.

And my questions are: everything seems to work fine in terms of saving files and opening them in either version, so I’m guessing that the formats are the same. Am I right? Can I keep using the Linux version without fear that my files will not be accessible in the Windows version?

Many thanks again for your simply excellent work!

If I recall correctly, the last Linux version released is quite a bit older than the current Windows version, and pre-dates features such as the format changes necessary for syncing to iOS Scrivener. If you’re going to use it cross-platform, you’re probably better off using WINE to run the current Scrivener for Windows version in your Linux environment.